~ Announcing the COVID PLANDEMIC ahead of time ~
Here is 'Claudia with Cabin talk' on Sept 20, 2019, warning about the coming worldwide pandemic, global tyranny and mandatory flu (COVID) vaccinations which were right around the corner.
She knew this was coming because of two main pieces of Intel: Bill Gates came out and announced there was a coming pandemic where he estimated at least 30 million people would die, and then shortly after (Sept 19, 2019) Trump signed the "Executive Order on Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health" in which there would be the establishment of a 'new flu vaccine task-force' to combat pandemics because the United States were ill-equipped to handle such a crisis. This led the way for what we now know as Operation Warp-speed. Here is the gov website link:
Now, the million dollar question is: *why did Donald Trump sign this Executive Order?*
Is Donald Trump in on the pandemic/globalist agenda with all the other elites OR did he go along with their plan in order to expose the vaccine companies, Big Pharma, the CDC , FDA, NIH and all other corrupt medical practitioners in order to take them down for good?
This question will soon be answered..., but all I know is this; it is our christian duty to stand up against this evil poison of a gene therapy and to oppose tyrannical mandates with every fiber in our being. And we are to be good watchmen for the Lord by examining daily events with spiritual discernment, enabling us to accurately instruct others. Let's keep fighting and never give up! (Galatians 6:9)
In late 2019, this woman predicted the mass forced vaccinations and the pandemic. She was spot on. Original Source on September 20th, 2019 -
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