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Here's a semi-exhaustive list of a lot of the research tools I use. I never want to gatekeep information or research methods I use, so if y'all ever have issues trying to find something, just let me know. The more people researching, the better in my opinion.

I have a few methods that aren't easy to explain, but these are very straightforward:

Reverse Image Search:

Mind Mapping Tool With Degrees of Connectivity:

PDF Search Engine:

Powerpoint Search Engine:

Facebook Ad Library:
Useful for tracking political ads and NGO propaganda.

Database of most every company in the world.

IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search:
Best way to find form 990-PFs, which lay out nonprofit financials.

Political spending tracker.

Health Data:

Pharmaceutical Side Effect Search:

Snapchat OSINT Multi-Viewer:

Nonprofit Foundation Information Guides:

Article Citation Index:
Search for authors, topics, etc., of scientific articles.

Internet Archiver:
View old versions of sites or search through the index of millions of documents, photos, videos, etc.

Username Search:
Do a single search to see what platforms a username appears on.

AI Search Engine:
A very powerful search engine that uses AI to find exactly what you're looking for. It takes a little getting used to, but it does an amazing job.

Directory of Open Access Journals and Articles:

World Legal Information Institute:
Laws, legislation, treaties, law journals, etc.

It's a now-defunct website with endless resources for investigating crimes. However, it was archived extensively and can still be explored very thoroughly via Archive dot org.

UN Map Library:
Maps of pretty much anywhere. I know it's a UN site, but it's handy.

Old Maps:
A directory of old world maps.

NGO aggregate.

Breaking News List:
Just a list of headlines from around the world in chronological order. No frills, useful.

Other Internet Tools and Resources for OSINT:
This site has a pretty extensive list of different resources and methods for internet deep dives. Very handy to have bookmarked!
@SomeBitchIKnow Nice! I'll add it to my guide. I'm including things like TinEye and WaybackMachine to help people understand how to search and verify.
883 replies
North Carolina State Representative Allison Dahle has introduced two pieces of legislation in two days:

1. To remove the parental bill of rights.
2. To allow for "gender transition" surgery in minors.

Bill of Rights: webservices.ncleg.gov/ViewBillDocument/2025/2

Surgery for Minors: ncleg.gov/Sessions/2025/Bills/House/PDF/H502v
111 replies
North Carolina State Representative Allison Dahle has introduced two pieces of legislation in two days:

1. To remove the parental bill of rights.
2. To allow for "gender transition" surgery in minors.

Bill of Rights: webservices.ncleg.gov/ViewBillDocument/2025/2

Surgery for Minors: ncleg.gov/Sessions/2025/Bills/House/PDF/H502v
44 replies
In 5 minutes!

Big Dig Energy 426: Red Flag Glasses Theory

Who is North Carolina State Representative Allison Dahle? And what do insane eye glasses tell us about a person's mental stability?

Rumble: rumble.com/v6rb4u4-big-dig-energy-426-red-fla
Odysee: odysee.com/@SomeBitchIKnow:0/BDE426:9
Foxhole: pilled.net/foxhole/24291
2 replies
At 10/9c!

Big Dig Energy 425: When the Gene Bank Fails

The 23&Me bankruptcy filing (and what it means for the genetic data), a new wave of Covid revisionism, and NIH changeups.

Rumble: rumble.com/v6r7g22-big-dig-energy-425-when-th
Odysee: odysee.com/@SomeBitchIKnow:0/bde425
Foxhole: pilled.net/foxhole/24291
1 reply
At 10/9c!

Big Dig Energy 424: The Ballad of Mary Poppins

If you can't beat em, make their words illegal. She's baaack!

Rumble: rumble.com/v6r24pc-big-dig-energy-423-the-bal
Odysee: odysee.com/@SomeBitchIKnow:0/BDE424:f
Pilled: pilled.net/foxhole/24291
3 replies
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