HAM Comms 101:
- Those that have their ticket (license) already know what to do. They know the frequencies of their local repeaters. They know who their buddies are. They're already Good To Go. Skip to next post.
- Those that do Not have their ticket (license), listen up. You ordered your Baofeng UV-5R radio and now you want to communicate. You have 2 choices. Either start studying for your ticket at http://hamstudy.org for the tech license so you know How to Program your radio and how repeaters work so you can talk to others when SHTF or…..
- You wing it. You don't know how repeaters work, nor care to learn how (this is a big disadvantage to you). You need some frequencies that you can manually program into your radio to listen AND talk on akin to a walkie-talkie. The frequencies you need to know are:
146.520 MHz (2 meter VHF calling frequency)
446.000 MHz (70cM UHF calling frequency)
These 2 "channels" are akin to Channel 9 on a CB radio. You should be able to reach someone or hear someone on these 2 frequencies during an emergency situation.
- AmRRON "Channel 3" (https://amrron.com/) protocol frequencies:
462.6125 MHz (FRS Channel 3)
151.94000 MHz (MURS Channel 3)
26.985 MHz (CB Radio Channel 3)
146.42 MHz (AmRRON Prepper Channel)
List in on these frequencies every 3 hours (12-3-6-9) for 5 minutes per AmRRON instructions on their website.
- Those that have their ticket (license) already know what to do. They know the frequencies of their local repeaters. They know who their buddies are. They're already Good To Go. Skip to next post.
- Those that do Not have their ticket (license), listen up. You ordered your Baofeng UV-5R radio and now you want to communicate. You have 2 choices. Either start studying for your ticket at http://hamstudy.org for the tech license so you know How to Program your radio and how repeaters work so you can talk to others when SHTF or…..
- You wing it. You don't know how repeaters work, nor care to learn how (this is a big disadvantage to you). You need some frequencies that you can manually program into your radio to listen AND talk on akin to a walkie-talkie. The frequencies you need to know are:
146.520 MHz (2 meter VHF calling frequency)
446.000 MHz (70cM UHF calling frequency)
These 2 "channels" are akin to Channel 9 on a CB radio. You should be able to reach someone or hear someone on these 2 frequencies during an emergency situation.
- AmRRON "Channel 3" (https://amrron.com/) protocol frequencies:
462.6125 MHz (FRS Channel 3)
151.94000 MHz (MURS Channel 3)
26.985 MHz (CB Radio Channel 3)
146.42 MHz (AmRRON Prepper Channel)
List in on these frequencies every 3 hours (12-3-6-9) for 5 minutes per AmRRON instructions on their website.
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