Grad Student watches Gitmo grow with Google Earth" in 2011 During Admin Long Before Pres. Trump -- Compare to MonkeyWerx Recent "Photo Overlay Of The Spa" #QAnon #GreatAwakening #BadGuysGoingByeBye #GITMOGrowth

How you know something is habbenin - when your govnt says NOPE NUTHIN to see here at all and you know that cannot possibly be true. Spidey sense tells you that means the joint is rockin'. A bit of loving Anon digging confirms - so much to see and know - and the news is very good. Bad guys going bye bye in historic quantities.

"While doing research on prisons and internment for his archaeology PhD at Stanford, 28-year-old Adrian Myers happened to point Google Earth at Guantànamo Bay, the notorious US prison on the island of Cuba. Shockingly, it wasn’t blurred out—the image was as clear as the one of your house. Thank God we pulled a fast one on the Enemy and put our military prison base on a island that they most likely wouldn't be able to mount an operation that would free the alleged terrorists. Please, keep in mind who and what we are fighting against & why we need to have GITMO. Be more determined than your enemy...."

Chatter from soldiers indicates that it wasn't AQ back then but "Jam," who were in GITMO under Obama, aka Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad or the Organization of Monotheism and Jihad, a broad based coalition formerly headed up by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It was responsible for most of the high profile beheadings and many allegations that it worked with McNoName as a false flag front remain in some cases (not only ISIS did that). However it appears it had actual terror group factions within it who were difficult to control, making GITMO a necessary deep state holding pen during the Obama terms. So the feint that Obama was going to close GITMO is clearly leftist fake news. He could no more close GITMO than he could have stopped working with McTraitor hand in cabal glove. Meanwhile GITMO by this time is truly enormous and getting bigger, so big that Goolag puts an overlay over it altogether now, just in time for the GEOTUS to use for cleaning up said deep state.'at_al-Tawhid_wal-J

Above and left, below: Real GITMO photos: Right, below: Goolag now h/t Monkeywerx - smooth as a baby's bottom:
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