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That's a dumb question. If you are looking to other ethnicities to validate your opinion obviously they will say no. That's human nature. They are not going to ask you so why ask them, why even doubt yourself.?

White people must assert & state with clarity who & what the are. Other White people will either recognize you & stand with you or they will reject & defame you. Those that stand with you are your heritage, your group & you belong together & can forge a future, no matter how you are denigrated. The latter whites are inconsequential, have no purpose other than as obstacles to be overcome or ignored. Their destiny in any event is to become irrelevant as the are replaced.

The White race not only has a valid expression of its natural born place on this planet & in whatever form that expression of its race as a cohesive force might take, it also has a right to assert that by force if needs be.
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