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Intentional w/Mic Meow@Mic_Meow
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'Intentional' Episode 90
Airing "Live" March 27th
at 2 pm EST/1 pm CST:
"Saving A Life" Part 2
Guests: Brad and Gail Seiler

"And now for the rest of the story . . . "

Gail was admitted to the Medical City Plano Hospital in December 2021. When asked if she was vaccinated, she replied "No". Dr. Quach then patted her hand and said "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Seiler, but you are going to die."

What occurred next was 12 days of being subjected to 'Hospital Protocol Hell' and the subsequent formulation of a Plan for Escape and a path toward actual effective healing.

Viewable live at x.com/MicMeowed and facebook.com/intentionalmicmeow/

Viewable by noon tomorrow at rumble.com/c/Intentional
"Allegations of Non-Citizen Voting and the SAVE Act"

". . . that was really an effort that we established last year is to try to make people aware of the threat, the imminent threat of millions of non-citizens voting in last November's election. I will tell you, I woke up in January of 2024 and just all of a sudden realized, oh my gosh, this is how . . ."
"Strategic Urgency for Tina Peters"

". . . if something doesn't shake in the next couple of weeks with her tremendous attorney, Pat McSweeney, Todd Blanchard was working on it. Then I think we have to go to DEFCON 1 and DEFCON 1 is I think we have to all the media, all the podcasters. We have to have demonstrations. We have to go because we can't allow a woman to stay in prison where . . ."
"The Election Industrial Complex"

". . .in the US, we've had this industrial or election industrial complex is what we named it. And it's this huge conglomerate of entities. Now these NGOs, many of them being funded by our government that has prevented us from having free and fair elections. And we talked about that. We uncovered . . ."
"Misuse of Free Speech in Broader Conflicts"

". . . I got to tell you something. The left and these Islamofascists are going to use this. They're going to milk it. They're going to fundraise from it. They're going to make Khalil their poster child right now. and they're definitely going to turn into an issue of freedom of speech . . ."
"A Bad Flu Season: Vaccine Failures and Increased Cases"

". . . anytime we have a bad flu season, that means it was a bad season for the vaccines. The flu vaccine was probably completely worthless this year. You know, a large segment of vulnerable adults . . ."
'Intentional' Episode 88
Airing "Live" March 25th
at 2 pm EST/1 pm CST:
"A Judicial Coup"
Guest: Maureen Steele

'Judge-shopping and utilizing the Judicial system with the goal of stopping President Trump's agenda'. We talk to Maureen Steele about 'Lawfare 2.0'.

Viewable live at x.com/MicMeowed and facebook.com/intentionalmicmeow/

Viewable by noon tomorrow at rumble.com/c/Intentional
"Controversial Stance on Bird Flu Vaccination"

". . . let the birds gather natural immunity. Stop mass PCR testing of animals. Okay. Protect the workers. Natural immunity will set in rapidly. We should avoid any vaccination of animals. This has been tried in Southeast Asia. It's tried in France. It doesn't work. It actually makes it worse. It spreads the virus around even more because . . ."
"Government Funding and Gain-of-Function Research"

". . . taxpayers pay for this. Our government is heavily sponsoring gain-of-function research. So the Biden administration came out with new guidance. It's called Research on Pathogens of Pandemic Potential Dual Purpose, meaning the research tries to make a more dangerous bug, a virus, a bacteria, or a fungi, and then tries to make . . ."
"Demand for Accountability and Justice"

". . . Thank you so much for having me on your show, Mic. It's such an honor. Thank you so much, first of all, for stating, you know, of the 17 attorney generals. Texas is one of those, one of those. And so I, like you, am very, I don't know if hopeful is the word, but I am tuned in. I'm ready to see what will take place. Because we need people to be . . ."
"Call for Accountability: Ken Paxton and Hospital Protocols"

". . . We know there are thousands more out there that either do not know that their loved one died from the hospital protocol, or they're still in denial. So I encourage you all to visit the website. And if you have questions, please reach out . . ."
"The Call for Transparency and Justice"

". . . COVID is still running rampant. No, not the viral bioweapon that was unleashed, but the undiscovered truth. The clarion calls to peel back the layers of the onion and expose all the records. The data and the corruption are roaring . . ."
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"Fear Narratives and Political Pressure"

". . . you'll remember with COVID, we were told early on that was part of the fear messaging was that this is going to be the biggest pandemic since swine flu. Yeah. That was explicitly linking that fear narrative that had been implanted in all of us over decades. You have to take your flu shot. You have to do this. You have to do that because . . ."
"The Courage to Speak: Leaving Nursing Over COVID Policies"

" . . . you have to, you know, I've never been one to self-censor, ask my husband. So, you know, so I never could do that. In fact, that's one of the reasons why I chose to leave nursing is because during COVID, I was unable to stop voicing that we didn't have informed consent. We didn't have appropriate informed consent...."
"Origins and Uses of Information Bioterrorism"

". . . information bioterrorism is a term that was introduced in 2017 to the West by a former KGB agent named Alexander Kozmanov in a interview that he gave with a New Zealand academic publication, a relatively obscure New Zealand academic publication. And he was specifically referring to bird flu. and the series of campaigns that had been launched around bird flu..."
"Leftists as 'Agents of Chaos and Anarchy'"

". . . this brings us to our next topic. Because the leftists have lost all sense of civility. And now more than ever, they have shown themselves as really, I'm going to call them agents of chaos and anarchy and violence . . ."
"Financial transparency and misuse of funds exposed"

"Now, the leftists are really kind of losing their minds out there. And the optics of them allowing billions of dollars to go where it shouldn't have to illegals and trans activism and DEI, you know, was being exposed. And that looks bad for them..."
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