Meanwhile... Berlin sees a mass climate protest
How does the brainwashed climate cult plan on keeping warm in the winter?
How does the brainwashed climate cult plan on keeping warm in the winter?
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@MorpheusMAGA they haven't thought that far ahead

@MorpheusMAGA They are not fossil fuels. The earth creates oil as it does air and everything else. The elites and climate queers know this.
The deepest fossil ever found was at 16000 feet.... So why then are the oil company's drilling at 35,000 feet????
The earth makes the oil. It will never be depleted.
The deepest fossil ever found was at 16000 feet.... So why then are the oil company's drilling at 35,000 feet????
The earth makes the oil. It will never be depleted.

@MorpheusMAGA zero clue ...................."fossil" was added on to make it sound scarce.. if they would do their due diligence and RESEARCH if you don't know how something works......

@MorpheusMAGA Oil being a fossil fuel is just another Rockefeller lie...look it up.
The fact that ppl are still buying the lie is astounding. Fucking sheep.
The fact that ppl are still buying the lie is astounding. Fucking sheep.

@MorpheusMAGA Children are easily manipulated.

Let them all live in 20 minute cities and stop eating meat.
Let them all live in 20 minute cities and stop eating meat.

@MorpheusMAGA You best believe ending fossil fuel is directly linked to ending your independence from governments contaminated with WEF jews, that pretend they’re legitimate representatives, and will claim you voted for it.

@MorpheusMAGA I don't remember seeing a larger group of fools and idiots even in the sixties. This is what happens when the education system morphes into propaganda training centers. Re-educating these types is hard because its almost impossible to teach people that they were wrong in the first place.