When war breaks out in brown countries, the brown "refugees" somehow always go to White/European countries - all the way on the other side of the planet, rather than their fellow brown country right next door.
If war broke out in Europe, would it make sense for all the White Europeans living in those countries seek refuge in Africa or the Middle East?
No, of course not.
War has nothing to do with why brown people are flooding White countries.
Rich and powerful anti-Whites (mostly racial jews) are spending billions of dollars to flood White countries with black and brown peoples, with the sole intent of displacing and replacing White people in White countries.
If war broke out in Europe, would it make sense for all the White Europeans living in those countries seek refuge in Africa or the Middle East?
No, of course not.
War has nothing to do with why brown people are flooding White countries.
Rich and powerful anti-Whites (mostly racial jews) are spending billions of dollars to flood White countries with black and brown peoples, with the sole intent of displacing and replacing White people in White countries.
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