2 FOOD VENDOR SMOKERS AT GREECE/TOFINO MUSIC FESTIVALS START WILDFIRE: Aug 1, 2024 Dream: A blonde woman is going to take me to big festival in Greece but behind horizontal lineup of many food trucks is big dry sagebrush hill so desert-like, similar to Kamloops, BC & has no white-washed houses of Santorini. So I ask her where we are. Food truck vendor who's 30s brunette male with red demon eyes is bad & tries hard to prevent me from knowing where I am. I tell him I'll try to find police truck. It scares him so he lies to his light brunette male coworker & says I'm trying to manipulate him to ____. I try to secretly get word to that coworker that the bad man is lying. The lady who brought me tells me we're in Tofino, BC (Vancouver Island) & says prefers this small festival than big one in Greece. The 2 men serve fries. I help portion it out then put 1 short white plastic fork in each serving. 2 forks are bigger & longer so I don't use those. One (both?) of the men smoke. I try to avoid the smoke. Blonde female worker smokes in the trailer. I open door. It opens to small balcony. I tell her it's for smokers. She knows so apologizes. The patio air is already thick with grey smoke. I wonder if from wildfire. I close the door fast & tell her I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.
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