On the Kulakization of the Deplorables
One of the golden threads that connects Leftists everywhere and at every time is their seemingly limitless lust for power and their vengeful delight in the destruction of all who oppose them. In the Soviet Union, the Bolsheviks' appetite for complete and total control was immortalized in their first five-year plan, which called for the collectivization of all agriculture. The problem, though, were the Kulaks: the land-owning peasant, some of whom lived in relative prosperity, others in frugal comfort. They were a stumbling block politically, so they needed to be dealt with.
The Soviet program to deal with the Kulaks was progressive. First, they were ideologically isolated and depersonalized. Using the "science" of Marxism-Leninism, they were proclaimed to be counter-revolutionaries and adversaries of the Proletariat. Next, they were systematically demonized: they were bloodsuckers, vampires, and furious enemies of socialism. Having been sufficiently dehumanized, they were next blamed for the economic calamities that were a consequence of the corruption and ineptitude of the Communists: plunderers of the people, profiteers who fatten on famine, hoarders and wreckers. This provided the "legal" pretext for the final stage of the process in which they were targeted for destruction. In the end, the Soviets declared they would "liquidate the Kulaks as a class"; at best they would be dispossessed of their land and deported to labor or prison camps, at worst they would be shot or imprisoned by secret police.
If you think the alienated and brutal mindset of the murderous revolutionary could never arise in America, think again. Already in the rhetoric coming from the cabinet picks of Biden falls directly in line with first stages of eliminationist rhetoric that we've seen in the Soviet block, Maoist China, and Chavez's Venezuela. The message is clear: The deplorables are the new kulak.
If we permit the Left any quarter in this toxic political action of vilifying half of America, we will see a similar course in our history, with the oppression of those whose only crime is to impede the Left's march toward complete and unassailable political power.
Of course the early stages are happening here. If people don't see the signs and understand where this is going then they will deserve what happens to them.
If there is any doubt about Lenin's blood-thirsty desire for revenge against the Kulaks, consider these quotes:
Hang (hang without fail, so the people see) no fewer than one hundred known kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers.
- "Lenin's Hanging Order" (11 August 1918), an order for the execution of kulaks, as translated in The Unknown Lenin : From the Secret Archive (1996) by Richard Pipes, p. 50
Variant translation: Hang (and make sure that the hanging takes place in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known landlords, rich men, bloodsuckers. … Do it in such a fashion that for hundreds of kilometres around the people might see, tremble, know, shout: "they are strangling, and will strangle to death, the bloodsucking kulaks".
- As translated in Lenin : A Biography (2000) by Robert Service, p. 365.
I finally looked up the quote from Lenin at the top right of the долой кулака из колхоза (Down with the kulak from the collective farm) banner. It says:
The kulaks are the most brutal, callous and savage exploiters, who in the history of other countries have time and again restored the power of the landowners, tsars, priests and capitalists.
Lenin, “Comrade Workers, Forward To The Last, Decisive Fight!” August 1918
This is about as perfect an example of eliminationist rhetoric you'll ever find. Tragically, Lenin was prolific in that regard. The rest of Lenin's missive, referenced below, ends with:
Ruthless war on the kulaks! Death to them! Hatred and contempt for the parties which defend them-the Right Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks, and today’s Left Socialist-Revolutionaries! The workers must crush the revolts of the kulaks with an iron hand, the kulaks who are forming an alliance with the foreign capitalists against the working people of their own country.
The genocide of the Kulaks led to famine and starvation. The lust for power was greater than the lives of millions. Consequences be damned.