Tucker Carlson Going Off On The GOP For Doing Nothing To Stop Vaccine Mandates

"If Republicans can't even do that...then why bother to have a Republican Party? Why not spare the rest of us the indignity, sign off your Twitter account for good, and take a job at Quiznos?"
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Convenient that when local counties around the nation start fighting back against draconian mask mandates, experimental vaccines, plus overbearing school boards, we have the nicely timed “Delta Variant” bringing statewide health departments back to the forefront demanding our children endanger themselves once again with useless masks and other insane precautions!

How fucking dense is the populace? Or how dense do these globalist elites think the majority really is? Nevermind, I know that answer.

Resist! RESIST!!
In other news, Quiznos stock dropped precipitously after suggestions that they would be hiring incompetent, inefficient, lazy politicians for their staffs.
@TheColumbiaBugle Do not comply with the mandatory vaccines!
@TheColumbiaBugle Tucker has a good point.
Get rid of all establishment Republicans. Replace with MAGA candidates
@TheColumbiaBugle Go Tucker. Truth is this is and has always been about the great reset for the new world order. So it was all inevitable and laid out in many documents years ago. These politicians are mostly blackmailed plants of a uniparty. Many are part of secret societies, a huge faction of the occult. I won’t hold my breath for any real action from the little pedos. I will however continue to BATTLE in prayer to the true God, Jesus Christ
@TheColumbiaBugle GOP will not protect the integrity of the vote or oppose mandates. So what exactly good are they?
@TheColumbiaBugle He needs to slap Hannity up side his head!!
@TheColumbiaBugle STOP THE SPREAD.

Turn off your TV.

@TheColumbiaBugle Sad when California's super-Left employee union says no before the Republican Party can scare up their voice:

SEIU Local 1000 Issues Cease and Desist to CalHR

In response to CalHR’s intention to implement California Governor Newsom’s plan to immediately require state employees to verify their vaccination status, SEIU Local 1000 issued a cease and desist to CalHR and the State of California.

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