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In a single century, all the great houses of
continental Europe fell. All the empires
that ruled the world have vanished. Not one European nation, save Muslim Albania, has a birthrate that will enable it to survive through the century. As a share of world population, peoples of European ancestry have been shrinking for three generations. The character of every Western nation is being irremediably altered as each undergoes an unresisted invasion from the Third World. We are slowly disappearing from the Earth. Having lost the will to rule, Western man seems to be losing the will to live as a unique civilization as he feverishly indulges in La Dolce Vita, with a yawning indifference as to who might inherit the Earth he once ruled. What happened to us? What happened to our world?

Patrick J. Buchanan
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It’s not your fault for noticing

It’s their fault for being noticed
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“Foreigners who live in your land will gain more and more power, while you gradually lose yours.“
Deuteronomy‬ ‭28‬:‭43‬
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