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When several generations find themselves unable to afford starting a family, owning a home, or escaping the never-ending cycle of debt slavery to the money changers who continuously print money and debase our currency, the situation is bound to become incredibly volatile in short order. One would do well not to mock or ridicule a ticking time bomb or kick an armed hornet’s nest.
145 replies
Great! Next ban AIPAC donations 👍
30 replies

I just stumbled upon this today, and it so touched my heart...

Please take a moment to pray for Boden, who was chained to his dog house in LA, and left there by his family, while fires raged.

He sustained severe injuries, and is now fighting for his life, in the care of a Burn facility. The team there is pouring their hearts and souls into his care.

Today, he was able to stand and walk, for the first time.

So many animals, pets and wild life have perished, I know...
yet, somehow, this little one, so courageously fighting for his life, is truly symbolic of Hope, Courage and Resilience.

May God Bless These Innocents!

🌟 Several have asked me where donations may be given for Boden's very costly care, which is being handled by a struggling non-profit.

~ Venmo: forgottennowfamily
~ PayPal/ Zelle:

63 replies
Subversive Origins of Communism
47 replies
how old are you?
23 replies
Five days before Christmas, this nude tub of guts entered a Subway sandwich shop in Ohio, placed a pistol to the head of a White 71-year-old standing in line, and blew his brains out.

Remember: Diversity™ - whether clothed or unclothed - is Our Greatest Strength™.
36 replies
I love judge Merchan
being investigated ❤️
13 replies
I knew that I recognized this guy from somewhere 😆
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Destroy the left right paradigm!
21 replies
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Like a virgin fuck off for the very first time
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10 replies
Still tastes great after all these years 😅
13 replies
I’m thinking about running for congress, here’s my platform…

1. Fuck immigrants
2. Fuck Israel
3. We can say retarded and faggot again

Would you vote for me?
27 replies
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