Kettlebells are the best strength and conditioning tool to get physically stronger for life and sports training. Share any training tips and videos on here. Feel free to post your form check videos. Ask questions about form and technique, but please be specific.
This group is geared more towards generic kettlebell training, if you're after kettlebell sport, check out the following group which is more geared toward kettlebell sport. This is not to say that one or the other can't be discussed in either of these groups, but it's just more specific, hence, you might get better results when asking in the right group.
Act like an adult in an adult group that is created to help people grow and think outside the box. If you don't like something, no need to attack it with silly childish comments, there is absolutely zero trolling tolerance here. We want to encourage people to post, not to be scared of posting. If you have a criticism, great, but think before you write, there are certain ways to say something. Even if someone else is an asshole doesn't mean you need to be one too. Debate is encouraged. Critique is encouraged, but all in good taste. If you don't understand the benefits of something or why someone would do something, ask. If you don't like the answer, move on. Treat it like you would outside of Facebook away from the keyboard. Open your mind.
Don't come and dump your advertising in the group like you own it. The posts will be removed and moderation for your account will be enabled, on the second offense your account will be removed.
It is allowed to advertise or self-promote, but, you need to invest first, invest with your time by giving to the group, interacting with the group, caring about the group, being part of the group.