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Hey internet friends, I have a very exciting announcement:

I wrote a book: The Deep State Encyclopedia.

Starting in 2016, I kept a journal near my laptop to record all the terms, events, riddles, and people I pledged to remember. Today, the internet is shrinking under the guise of stopping "harmful misinformation," yet truth has become the first casualty in the information war. Before our world's memories are lost, we must document everything we know, read, and have witnessed for future generations.

The Deep State Encyclopedia is my contribution to this effort.

I provide nearly 500 pages of irrefutable, highly sourced evidence of deep state doings, the motivations and mysterious religious beliefs behind their actions, and events and individuals they've attempted to bury.
Our country is being attacked from within. The past several years showed us that the shadow government seeks to assert absolute control over the human cattle, but what if we could stop them? What if we could take away the cabal’s power by exposing their entire playbook?

Uncover the hidden web of power and influence that shapes our world with The Deep State Encyclopedia. Delve into the secrets of the shadow government, from dark occult practices to the most notorious secret societies and their unexpected famous members. Explore the titans of industry and banking who have shaped America's early years, as well as the controversies and scandals that still haunt their legacy.

From the forces behind Bill Gates and Rockefeller Medicine, to the formation of the Federal Reserve and the scandals of the families who created the institution at Jekyll Island over a century ago, to the tactics utilized by mainstream media in gaslighting, manipulating, and controlling the masses, to highly censored stories about Jeffrey Epstein and his madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, as well as the real contents of the leaked Podesta emails, no topic is off-limits.

With the principle that nothing and no one is above questioning, this book is a guide for those who seek to understand the masked machinations of power behind the cabal. As vital information becomes increasingly censored and hidden, this encyclopedia is your guide to peeling back the layers of secrecy and discovering the truth for yourself.

Mystery religions are no longer a mystery…
Secret societies are no longer a secret…
What was once hidden will be revealed...


You can't pre-order a paperback (they'll be released on March 7th), but you can pre-order an ebook for Kindle: amazon.com/Encyclopedia-Deep-State-Reallygrac
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Pinned gab
your family needs you to keep questioning everything
78 replies
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