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Sleep is therefore a prime window for energy harvesting by occult parasites for two reasons:
1) “Because that’s where the loosh is.”
2) They need to keep people energetically down, to make them easier to control all hours of the day.
Therefore, major energy harvesting occurs during sleep. This, in addition to all that happens on Earth while awake. A very efficient loosh farm.
In sleep, the most common method of energy harvesting is via dreams of stress & anxiety, fear & terror, lust or anger. These harvest energy from the astral body by the induction of negative emotions.
Another method is attacking the etheric body directly by getting in close proximity & siphoning off the lifeforce energy. An entity can hover over a person to inhale the energy (like depicted in the movie Dr. Sleep), insert their hands/claws/tendrils into the person’s etheric body, or lay next to them or spoon with them to “link chakras.”
Without these nefarious activities, your nightly energy influx would go into your loosh piggybank instead of theirs. You would accumulate a surplus, which over time leads to higher cognitive, emotional, and spiritual functioning.
For example, when I’ve become lucid in dreams & stay lucid for awhile, afterwards upon waking (and for the rest of the day) I have significantly more energy & better mood.
Same happens when the nature of the dream suggests I was in the presence, or under the influence, of a genuinely benevolent being. They probably kept negative entities away for the duration of the contact.
Otherwise under normal mindless dreaming, what energy you wake up with is merely what’s left over.
It makes sense, then, that certain restful states of meditation (where the body falls asleep but mind stays lucid, e.g. Nidra Yoga) can trigger the sleep-reflex energy infusion without much loss.
Similarly, delta wave Stage 4 sleep, a kind of dreamless sleep, is known to be the most essential for revitalization of the body.
And likewise, power naps involve falling asleep for only a short bit, without extended REM activity.
Just something to keep in mind.
Protection from occult entity harassment is a combination of several things, including:
- Not attracting it in the first place: Avoid gushing etheric energy into the environment, which happens if you’ve overstimulated your “chakras” through energy work meditations. End those meditations.
If you do have to meditate, then focus more on mindfulness or loving-kindness meditations. The latter will, however, both a) attract negs who want to pound you down spiritually, and b) protect you from them by aligning you with positive spiritual forces who can reach you better; so it’s like moths to a flame that keep their distance to avoid getting singed.
- Not “vibrating” on the level of the entities: they operate in the predator-prey spectrum, so if you’re either one of those in your soul essence, they’ll have leverage over you. Get yourself into a mindset of sovereignty, indifference to them, a self-assured confidence, and optimism about life. Stop being a jumpy mouse. Be the lion you truly are. Have a “I’ve had enough of their nonsense, I’m moving on” mindset. Even better, read spiritual and motivational literature; adopt holy feelings, holy thoughts.
- Once you’re doing your part with the above, then you can also request to angels or god or whatever higher divinity you believe in, to protect you. You have to do this from a sense of partnership rather than mousey begging, which otherwise reinforces a victim mindset that subconsciously attracts more of same. Higher beings can’t/won’t protect you if you’re putting up a subconscious block. So it’s vital to have a sense of relief that your protection request is granted, and the feeling that they have your back.
- And then, with your mindset/vibes secured, if needed (as in, you haven’t done this before) you can read about how dark forces work, so that you are aware of their traps. Because it’s not all just about vibes, but also your knowledge, wisdom, and discernment. These inform perception and action. In general, it helps to read and be a contemplative person who values wisdom, learning, and insights about things. It builds intuition and critical thinking, which is vital for navigating NHI dangers.
If you mentally think about negs, yes that can ping them and attract them, but the knowledge conferred from the studying may outweigh that. What you DON’T want to do is think about them EMOTIONALLY, as in either a sick thrill-seeking excitement or pangs of fear and anxiety. The emotion is far more attractive than mere thinking, as it involves additional subtle energy field dynamics on the astral/loosh spectrum which is nourishing for them and inviting.
- If your life is out of control with paranormal craziness, then hit the emergency brakes and go cold turkey on all of it. Bury your head in 3D mundanity for a while. Do normal things, watch movies especially comedies or nature documentaries, play video games, get out, have fun, be in the sun, eat meat and chocolate (both are grounding), but avoid alcohol (loosens you up to negs too much) and porn (opens up karmic vulnerabilities and feeds negs). So get away from all the paranormal, alien, metaphysical stuff for a while and immerse yourself in NPC/Muggle mindset to rejoin consensus reality.
If the Germans start changing big things right away, they would diverge the timeline too much and the book would lose its precision of foresight.
So they would have to adopt these protocols:
1. Follow the book’s timeline for as long as possible. If it says they lose a battle, they must lose the battle. If someone must die, they must be allowed to die. This continues until the final days, near the end of the book.
2. Until that time, use the book to do covert preparations on the side. The secrecy ensures recorded history and the book’s accuracy stays intact until the end. Use the book’s knowledge to inform on what preparations are necessary and to what extent they can be kept hidden from public awareness.
3. Interfere only in ways that can be plausibly denied, so that official history still follows its recorded track. If a soldier is recorded as missing in action, he can be left to die or saved and put to use at a secret base; either way nothing officially changes. Or if a key person is to be turned into a Manchurian candidate , they can be taken, programmed, and put back as long as it doesn’t change their life trajectory too much; so their memory would need to be erased.
4. When the book nears its end, the time finally comes to seize a decisive victory using the remaining bit of prescience. The book’s recorded history won’t matter anymore beyond that point. Then all covert preparations can be launched overtly with full force. The timeline diverges in a major way, the book having served its purpose.
This tracks with aspects of how aliens and MILAB forces operate.
For example:
• Keeping things secret until Disclosure.
• Operating covertly for decades if not centuries, making sure not to change consensus reality too drastically.
• Armies of hybrids being bred for eventual mass colonization following global cataclysms.
• Abducting people to implant/program them but erasing their conscious memories afterwards.
• Training abductees on their roles during/after the cataclysms, but caching that away in an alternate personality so that until it’s activated, the person lives their life unaware of it all.
Of course, the NHI picture is more complicated than the WWII thought experiment, but its basic shape still falls out of the time travel hypothesis.
In reality, there is some tolerance in how much the timeline can diverge and still maintain a good enough (even if not perfect) lock on the target timeline, and things can be steered back on track with corrective actions.
Plus, there are consciousness/quantum factors involving the role of freewill and subconscious beliefs in the degree of entanglement between certain probable futures & pasts.
And time travel isn’t the only possible hypothesis that explains NHI behavior. Precognition leads to a similar dynamic:
• By using psychic perception of probable futures you can build up a pretty large and accurate model of how thing will go, with weighted probabilities and key markers all mapped out.
• But the more you use that knowledge to change things, the more your model of the future destabilizes and you have to probe all over again.
• If you’re preparing a large force with complex plans to capitalize on precognitive data, you’ll want to preserve the trajectory of the timeline to keep that model intact, otherwise you’ll not only have to update your model but also retool your entire operation.
• If in the future there is a major discontinuity in the timeline (caused by mass chaos or even linear time itself unraveling) then you’ll want to wrap up your operations just prior to that point, otherwise you’re flying blind. So covert should become overt at that time, not a moment sooner or later.
So the implications of precognition and time travel both lead to certain rules and necessities that seem to match some otherwise puzzling aspects of alien and MILAB behavior.
== Demiurgic Technology Part 2 ==
The Shamir “Pinecone”
Related is the Shamir stone, which according to Jewish lore was a green stone rediscovered by King Solomon (i.e. it was already ancient by 1500 BC) that could cut through ordinary stone with a glance of its piercing energy field.
The Shamir was described as a living substance (erroneously interpreted as a “worm” by later scholars) meaning it was a physical material with a soul.
Like the Ark stone needing the Tabernacle, the Shamir needed special shielding for safety when not in use, e.g. wrapped in wool then placed in a lead basket filled with husks. The Ark stone was placed in a gold-lined box, wrapped in animal skins or stationed inside the Tabernacle, which was a tent with animal hair and flax curtains. Same principle, only understandable if you know some scalar physics & etheric energy principles.
Interestingly, like the Ark, by 600 B.C. the Shamir is said to have lost its power, including loss of a mysterious property termed “the dripping of the honeycomb.” More on that shortly.
The Shamir & its lead basket also shows up in Mesopotamian art as the pine cone & handbag. In later times, this was merely a pine cone dipped into water to be sprinkled for ritualistic purposes. But ritual can sometimes be cargo cult mimicry of earlier technologies.
Dionysus’ Thyrsus
The pine cone later appears in Greece as the Thyrsus, a wand or staff made of fennel stalk (relates to Prometheus hiding the fire of the gods in a fennel stalk) topped by a pine cone. The staff was carried by the god Dionysus, and it was said by Euripides to “drip honey” just like the Shamir. And as pointed out by the late D.M. Murdock (a.k.a. Acharya S) and other scholars, there are many suspicious links between Dionysus & Moses, so the circle loops back to Egyptian/Hebrew times.
Thyrsus is also the hidden origin of the runic symbol Thurisaz, or “thorn,” said to be “exceedingly sharp” & an “evil thing for anyone to touch.” The Shamir cut stone with laser precision while the Ark of the Covenant was deadly to all who touched it without proper gear & training.
Lastly, we have Alchemy. Some Alchemists refer to the Philosopher’s Stone as the “vegetable stone” made via the “vegetable art.” That doesn’t mean it was made from plants, but rather that the Stone is a physical substance that is living. Laboratory Alchemy takes ordinary matter & turns it into an etherically potent substance that is then multiplied in its power via successive operations.
In its weaker form, the Stone can be ingested, resulting in the Alchemist experiencing age reversal, living for many centuries, gaining psychic powers, even breaking free from linear time. This is easy to understand if it’s an etheric fire (the true Promethean fire) since etheric energy is often equated to lifeforce energy & plays a critical role in paranormal powers.
Multiplied in power beyond a certain level, however, the Stone grows so powerful that it destroys glass/ceramic (as the Shamir did to stone) & explodes in a blinding flash of light.
Alchemy is probably the only demiurgic technology that humans have been able to make on their own from scratch. (I believe Alchemy traces back at least 42,000 years to the Laschamps magnetic excursion event, when modern humans moved into caves to escape the solar radiation, and found there the materials & conditions needed to do Alchemy). The other examples of demiurgic technology cited above, however, are definitely alien artifacts that fell into human hands.
The power, knowledge, and abilities these artifacts conferred to their wielders must have led to various secret societies springing up around their use & abuse. Even just psychic power & life extension alone would make these factions among the most powerful drivers of human history.
And that’s why the world today is run by NHIs, alchemists, and the cargo cultists who are obsessed with the Promethean etheric fire & its applications.
For much more on all this, see my book “Gnosis: Alchemy, Grail, Ark, and the Demiurge.”