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Should you ever find yourself in a situation where you're forced to defend yourself from the violent attacks of a non-white savage, remember one thing:
Never ever help the police build a case against you. You say these words, and these words only "I refuse to speak to law enforcement without a lawyer present", and then you shut your fucking mouth.
Save 35% on the Gold Standard in Hearing Protection! AXIL GS Extreme 2.0 - Studio-Quality Earbuds with Hearing Protection and Enhancement. Say goodbye to bulky earmuffs & hello to comfort and convenience. In stock & ships fast from Utah!
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Save 35% on the Gold Standard in Hearing Protection! AXIL GS Extreme 2.0 - Studio-Quality Earbuds with Hearing Protection and Enhancement. Say goodbye to bulky earmuffs & hello to comfort and convenience. In stock & ships fast from Utah!
Save 35% on the Gold Standard in Hearing Protection! AXIL GS Extreme 2.0 - Studio-Quality Earbuds with Hearing Protection and Enhancement. Say goodbye to bulky earmuffs & hello to comfort and convenience. In stock & ships fast from Utah!