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The French government reached out to Gab demanding that we dox one of our users to them for “antisemitic publications.”

I think I handled it well. I took an International Relations class in college, I know what I’m doing.
240 replies
PressSec just took a blowtorch to the media in the Press Briefing Room! 🔥

When you cross our border illegally, you’re a criminal. Yes, every illegal alien in this country is a criminal.

You’re doing a great job, Karoline! 👏
70 replies
Tulsi Gabbard has served her country in combat, holds the rank of Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve, and has security clearances at the highest level.

The idea that Tulsi Gabbard is anything but a LOYAL AMERICAN is a laughable joke and a smear—it speaks volumes to the threat she poses to the Deep State.

106 replies
Now, whos next???
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Riddle me This: If Mexico allowed every single illegal invaders caravan formed anywhere to pass through their country, and either left their Northern Border unattended or participated in allowing the invaders to breach our Southern Border… Why in hell do we need a ‘Deportation Program’?!!!

Why not simply let ICE round up illegals by the millions, stage caravans on border towns, and march the MOFOs to the Mexican side of the border?!?

Let Mexico deal with repatriation of non Mexicans they allowed safe passage #NotOurProblem 👌
59 replies

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

26 replies
A 2000 years old road in Pompeii

The small white stones were designed to reflect moonlight making the road easier to see at night..
27 replies
These migrant invaders waving around foreign flags to protest deportations only exacerbate my disgust and make me want to deport them all the more.

Anyone else sick of these people?
20 replies
Trump's been in office for a week and dump trucks are on the ground. Biden ignored the suffering 4 months!
17 replies
REPORTER: “How many of the migrants that were deported have a criminal record?”

LEAVITT: “All. Invading is a crime.”

Man, our Press Sec is BASED
17 replies
BREAKING: Pro-Life former Congressman Sean Duffy confirmed as Trump's Secretary of Transportation, 77-22.
9 replies
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Don’t forget to check the tunnels!
6 replies
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