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This is a level of savagery I've rarely observed in the wild.
Don’t Go Back to Sleep: You Know What the DS Will Do if We Relax and Don’t Follow Through.
Just like a saltwater croc… waiting just beneath the murky surface to strike again.
We must finish what has been started.
This is not a video game that can be turned off.
Just like a saltwater croc… waiting just beneath the murky surface to strike again.
We must finish what has been started.
This is not a video game that can be turned off.
This is the Left's biggest sacred cow.
Prepare for battle.
Prepare for battle.
'Make gay marriage illegal again': Michigan lawmaker asks US Supreme Court to reverse Obergefell - LifeSite
'Make gay marriage illegal again': Michigan lawmaker asks US Supreme Court to reverse Obergefell - LifeSite
'Make gay marriage illegal again': Michigan lawmaker asks US Supreme Court to reverse Obergefell - LifeSite
Michigan State Representative Josh Schriver announced last month that he will introduce a non-binding resolution urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn its same-sex 'marriage' ruling, Obergefell v.…
www.lifesitenews.comLink FeedA good start, but It's not enough just to have a family. You need to unite with others who have families and grow into a community. Then grow that community into a Nation.
Approve Ivermectin for over the counter use. It's one of the safest drugs on the planet. It's safer than Tylenol.
The jig is up. We know it works, and we know the only reason it hasn't already been approved is because it is cheap.
The jig is up. We know it works, and we know the only reason it hasn't already been approved is because it is cheap.
As someone who was very much looking forward to watching President Trump’s inauguration at the Capitol, I’m so sorry to every person that paid for flights & hotels to be in DC.
While I can’t make up for it — & I understand your disappointment — I’m using this time wisely to meet w/ as many folks as I can
to win the Pennsylvania Supreme Court & flip the New Jersey governorship .
While it may look like fun & games, I want to reaffirm my commitment to the cause: I am laser-focused on continuing to deliver wins & won’t stop or slow down for a gosh darn second.
Enjoy the moment. President Trump is imminent.
While I can’t make up for it — & I understand your disappointment — I’m using this time wisely to meet w/ as many folks as I can
to win the Pennsylvania Supreme Court & flip the New Jersey governorship .
While it may look like fun & games, I want to reaffirm my commitment to the cause: I am laser-focused on continuing to deliver wins & won’t stop or slow down for a gosh darn second.
Enjoy the moment. President Trump is imminent.
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