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Well, look, my opinion is this: the white race is dying out and degrading, so homosexuality is unreasonable at this stage and it needs to be controlled in the population by taking away the right to vote from faggots. Let them live, and even enjoy themselves, but without access to power. But the faggots among the black and yellow races need to be supported in every possible way. Let them degenerate and die out. There are too many of them - everything will simply end either in a military invasion or assimilation. And interracial heterosexual relations are an even greater evil than homosexuality. One thing is for sure - the future will be bloody.
Ethnos - appearance and speech. Nation - a group of the dominant ethnic group that constitutes the majority and other ethnic groups in the minority, united by one speech.
In the current timeline, the Americans have had us for a long time, eaten us up and shit on us. Rashka is a colony of the USA + Israel. But propaganda from all irons broadcasts that Rashka has sovereignty and other goyish nonsense. The USA and NATO will attack Rashka only in one case - when the Russian people tear the puppet Jewish-Putin government to shreds. The kingdom of crooked mirrors will collapse. And you are still in a haze.
What makes you think that Masons serve Satan?! Not at all, a typical theocratic office. Perhaps at first, underground, there was something Luciferian, but the control was long ago intercepted by God's chosen ones. If they were for Satan, they would behave much differently. They are building God's world order, God's. Satan has nothing to do with it.
There are two troubles for the Russian (and not only) people: Zog and Bog [god].
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