Freedom Fest Cancels Lauren Witzke from Panel.
I was invited and scheduled to speak at the panel ‘How to Fight for Truth Without Getting Burned’ with Eric Metaxas, James O’Keefe and Epik Founder, Rob Monster. I was kindly invited on the panel by Freedom Fest Platinum Sponsor, Epik- to which I am still extremely grateful for the invitation.
As of Monday, Freedom Fest’s Matthew Day decided that I was “too controversial” due to my Christian beliefs and was afraid that I would clash with the overwhelmingly atheist presence at Freedom Fest. This decision came after I submitted my bio to Matthew Day- which included my testimony of God’s grace and described my passion for Jesus Christ after he delivered me from a life of drug abuse.
Just a reminder that at events like Freedom Fest, the “Freedom” only applies to those who stay within the status quo. I have always remained extremely respectful and professional at every event I have attended, and this cancellation is not just an attempt to silence me, but an attempt to silence all passionate, Jesus-loving American Christians who stand up and call out evil for what it is.
Freedom Fest has also cancelled Nick Fuentes’ Documentary “The Most Canceled Man In America” and that is where my team and I will be.
I suggest every person who truly believes in Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and the Freedom to Fight for truth attends this screening.
You can purchase tickets to this screening by visiting:
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing my America First friends in Vegas on July 14th.
In Christ,
Lauren Witzke
Side Note: You can never actually ‘fight for truth without getting burned’, as the organizers at Freedom Fest have made very clear.
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