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The irony is that the Jews are a tribe that came out of India

Jews are the same as Gypsies, just a separated part from the main mass of Gypsies who once left India.

A part of Gypsies still live in India, they are the lowest caste, the untouchable. Both in India and abroad, Gypsies in their daily lives are still governed by the laws of Manu. Manu, is the ape-like God of the Hindu religion.

One of the distinctive characteristics of Gypsies is that they live by stealing and appropriating other people's goods, usury, it is their tradition, it is their culture. They are also engaged in fortune-telling, prediction, removal of "bad spell" and "evil eye", pestering people in the streets with offers of such services. All this is very comparable to the Jews, who also live in essence stealing, greed, usury, turning the latter into a religion. Go to Israel, and you will see how in some streets of Israeli cities, Jews, as well as Gypsies, pester passers-by, especially tourists, with the offer of services to read prayers and "blessing", to read the lines on the hands and predict the future. If you look at the traditional clothes of Gypsies and Jews, they are very similar, even the colour is the same, black. And of course, ethnic Jews and Gypsies, they are very similar in appearance. As I said above, Gypsies in their lives are guided by the laws of Manu, one of the Hindu gods, that is, Gypsies are Hindus. Hindus, in fact, can also be called Jews, because probably half of their Torah is the purest, shameless plagiarism from the Indian Vedas, especially, word for word, the repetition of the legend of how Moses' mother saved him from enemies by putting him in a basket and letting the basket float down the river. The same thing, with a different name there is a story in the Vedas. I think only a complete idiot would claim that the Jewish Torah is earlier than the Hindu Vedas.

Also. About 12 tribes of Israel. If you read Sumerian religious books, in one of them you will find the description of twelve structures of human organism, but this description is allegorical, it is not said directly that the body is described, but when you read it you understand that it is about human anatomical body. In the Torah about 12 Israelite tribes, even the description of these very tribes repeats Sumerian description of human body, except that Jewish compilers of the Torah translated the meaning of allegory into the meaning of tribes.

The Torah, the Old Testament, is a compilation of other, more ancient religions, stories and myths. Both the Torah and the Old Testament, Israel and the Jewish people, are man-made things from A to Z. This is also proven by the fact that there is not a single, valid, archaeological and historical proof (the Bible is not a historical document) in the world that the state (pre-1948) of Israel ever existed. There is not a single archaeological and historical proof of the existence of the two previous Jewish temples. There is no archaeological and historical evidence, prior to the Torah and the Old Testament, of the existence of the Jewish people.

The Jews are the same Gypsies from India, who once separated from the main mass of Gypsies and took the name Jews, creating their own fairy tale-religion. The Jewish people and their religion is an unnatural formation in nature, it is like a cancer in the organism of mankind.
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The Bible says in several places that they say they are Jews, but they are not really Jews, but children of Satan. It also says the synagogue is the synagogue of Satan.

So the god of the Jews is Satan, according to the Christian New Testament. But to be more exact, according to the recognition of Jews themselves, their god is Lucifer, and they consider Satan as Lucifer's angel. So to say that the Jews are chosen by a god is correct, but the question is which god? Lucifer and his angel Satan. So when you worship the Jews as "God's chosen" you are worshiping Lucifer and Satan, which in turn makes Satanists and Luciferians out of you.

Second. When the Old Testament says that the Jews are not Jews, it does not mean that these Jews are not real Jews, but that there are real Jews out there somewhere. When the Old Testament says that Jews are not Jews, but children of Satan, it means that there are no Jews, it is a false name, in fact they are all Satanists under the guise of Jews. They invented the name Jews not to call themselves openly what they are, i.e. Satanists (Luciferians).
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Concentration camps in the United States? Prepare for war

One federal contractor, on Alex Jones' show, revealed that the government is building prison camps in all 50 states. Alex Jones says it's for Donald Trump supporters.

I know that such camps have been built in the US for a long time, but I'm sure it's not just and not so much for Donald Trump supporters, but for anyone who is undesirable. Undesirable to whom? Those you consider "God's chosen ones". They, as always in history, act by the hands of others, including the hands of the races they destroy, for their tactics are as old as the world: divide and conquer.

Why do I believe these camps are being built? Because I have seen a video of the necessary human cages for it, filmed back in the early 2000s in America. We have also seen many videos of plastic coffins for mass graves.

Is Russia going to save us? I don't think so. Why not? Because Russia is also building huge prisons, really huge prisons, you could say prisons-cities. Russia is building 24 such huge prisons at the moment. In the future, their number may increase. The same concentration camps are being built by China.

From all these facts it appears that the world elites, despite the war in Ukraine, act according to one agenda - the murder of the majority of the world's population. Their common agenda to depopulate the planet has not gone anywhere, they step by step advance this agenda to depopulate and then to establish a New World Order in a coordinated manner.

Is Trump going to save us? I don't think so. First of all, one man can't do anything against the entire world elite even as president of the most powerful country in the world, which is still the US. Why? Because Trump didn't destroy the deep-state during his first presidency. And now the same deepstate will successfully block the execution of all decisions of Donald Trump that are not wanted by the deepstate, if of course he becomes the second time president of the USA.

So what to do? The first and most important thing is to spread the word about the plans of the world elite, to educate people. Second, it is to prepare for war, that is, to arm ourselves, buy weapons, ammunition, and begin to form people's militias starting with the unification with neighbors, district militias, city militias, forming squads, platoons, companies, battalions, brigades, divisions and armies. I realize it's scary to go to war. But they leave us no choice, whether we like it or not, we will have to fight against our own governments, against indoctrinated liberals, communists, Jews and their servants the Nazis. But to go to war, I think you will agree, is better to be well prepared than unprepared, sitting back and not preparing for war until the last moment when a well-armed, prepared and organized enemy breaks into your home and starts killing you and your family.

So what's it gonna be? Fight and have a chance of survival, or sit like a coward, hoping for some politician, and die like a lousy rat at the hands of the enemy?
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Has the West lost to the Jews again?

Look, there's Bart De Wever on the photo, the leader of the Belgian political party NVA. His party won the European elections, now in Belgium this Nazi will be directing policy. His main slogan for two decades now, is the deportation of all non- Whites from Belgium, even those who were born in Belgium and became citizens. He is also in favour of secession of Flanders from Wallonia (two provinces of Belgium).

Let's see who sits next to him, Yuval Noah Harari, a Jew, globalist, Talmudist, transhumanist, homosexual, in favour of the destruction of most of the world's population, who has promised Western countries another billion migrants from Africa and Asia.

And now, recall what I wrote a few lines above about the Belgian Nazi Bart De Wever, what his political slogans were, the main one being the deportation of all non- Whites from Belgium, and not only non-Whites, but also all Slavs, leaving only Flemings (Germanic group of people) and Walloons (Romanic group).

You may say, so what of it? And I will answer you: oh, come on, do not you see here oxymoron, mutually exclusive things? After all, Yuval Noah Harari on the one hand populates Europe with foreigners, with the aim of replacing the European population with Africans and Asians, and Bart De Wever, he rose in politics with the slogan for the deportation of all non- Whites from Belgium, for the preservation of the purity of the Flemish and Walloon ethnos! So how did they end up together at the victory celebration of the nationalist NVA party? What do they have in common, if they are like water and fire they are supposed to be antagonists?

Cognitive dissonance, right? No. Why? Because, as I have written many times and continue to write, that all, without exception, political parties and trends, including all, without exception, nationalist and racist parties and movements, are completely controlled and manipulated by Jews. So was Adolf Hitler's Social Nationalist Party of Germany, which actually served a Jewish agenda, with several main goals, such as to have an official reason to create the state of Israel, something they did through the fake holocaust, also, the second goal was to take over the USSR, in order to then create in Crimea a state called East Jerusalem. In the twenties of the 20th century, Stalin refused the Jews' request, after which preparations for World War II began. Before the outbreak of World War II, Hitler offered the USSR leadership to give the Jews permission to establish the Jewish state of East Jerusalem in the Crimea. Stalin refused Hitler's request as well. After that the second world war started. The war for Crimea is still going on today, a war between Russia and Ukraine.

Let's go back to Yuval Noah Harari and Bart De Wever. So what do they have in common, these two seemingly opposites in all things? One thing that connects them is the submission of the servant (European Nazi), to his master the Jew. It is the Jews who started, since Hitler, and continue today to create all political parties and movements, including all nationalist parties in Europe.

Now face reality: Jews have continued for centuries to populate Europe with foreigners, and yet these same Jews have created European Nazi parties and racist movements to pit Europeans and migrant foreigners against each other in civil wars and beyond. Thus the Jews divide nations and rule over these divided, rival nations. This is how the Jews achieve their goals.

Then, look at what is happening in the US - the same Jews are flooding the US with illegal migrants. On the other hand they support Donald Trump, who swears that he will deport all illegal migrants, which, according to Jewish calculations, will lead to an interracial war in the USA. In the end, of course, it will be the same Jews who will rule over all the feuding people, just as they did in the first American Civil War, just as they did after World Wars I and II. If you doubt this, then look at who has the real power in all Western countries - political, economic, financial, media. I think you know the answer.

So did the West lose to the Jews again? Yes, it has lost, because what I have outlined, few people in the world understand, which means that everyone is acting according to the script that the Jews have written.
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Who owns the dollars... and the power in the USA?

The American state has no money of its own. To buy its 'national currency', the US government issues bonds, the Federal Reserve prints the currency and lends them to the state by buying its bonds. The government then buys back its bonds, and the money with interest is paid back to the Federal Reserve. Thus, the main income of the Federal Reserve is senorage - the difference between the face value of the banknotes and the cost of making them. For example, if the cost of making a hundred-dollar note is 10 cents, then the interest on it is 99 dollars and 90 cents.

The Federal Reserve makes money not only from selling dollar banknotes to the U.S. government but also from interest payments on Treasury bonds, earnings from payment transactions, deposits and trading in stocks.

According to the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Reserve is a government structure with private components that include: the US President's appointed Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, the Federal Open Market Committee, 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks, private banks that receive inalienable, fixed-income shares of the Federal Reserve Banks in exchange for contributing reserve capital and a number of advisory boards. In reality, however, the state has very limited influence over the Federal Reserve for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the Federal Reserve is a state within a state and is not supervised (as, indeed, the entire banking system is).

Secondly, the managers of the Federal Reserve are appointed for a 14-year renewable term of office. As you know, the US President is elected for 4 years and the maximum term of office is 8 years. As they say, Presidents come and go, but the principals of the Federal Reserve remain. For example, Federal Reserve chief A. Greenspan held office for 19 years.

Thirdly, the Federal Reserve is the ultimate authority to determine the authenticity of dollar banknotes. This not only enables uncontrolled emission, but also allows any banknotes to be recognised as counterfeit, even if they are actually issued by the US Federal Reserve itself.

Finally, and most interestingly, the Federal Reserve forbids the government to print money and conduct its own financial policy, independent of banks. American money belongs to the privately owned Federal Reserve. That is why power is concentrated there, in Federal Reserve, not in the White House.

Epilogue: Now just imagine what the private owners of the Federal Reserve could do to us and to our country with Digital Currency.

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