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Maximo Alvarez immigrant from Cuba
- speaking at the Republican Convention
on the Radical Left Democrats.

'I've seen people like this before .
I've seen movements like this before
I've seen ideas like this before and I'm here to tell you ,
we cannot let them take over our Country
This is the greatest Country in the world'
“There’s is no other place to go”
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A pro American agenda ! That is all we want.
Not catering to illegals or changing our history and culture to suit others. Where we can rely on jobs and not have to stand in the back while illegals get put up front. Where our sovereignty is respected and People cannot come here at will . Where laws and order are enforced and People are sentenced for crimes accordingly and not be set free by liberal activist judges. Where it is illegal to abort a baby especially after the first trimester. Where Christian business owners have the right to refuse business of others they deem to be undeserving of their business. Yes, that is correct. We do not have to approve or like everybody else. Not To subject our children To leftist ideology in our schools. No, our children should not be taught about sexual preferences or be taught there are over a hundred genders. To be American in our country, celebrate our history, display our pride and flag should be permitted anywhere in our country.
We are Not forcing rules or laws on everyone. Simply respecting our rights, beliefs,opinions and freedoms without ridicule or oppression is what we want.
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Democrats wants gun confiscation ! And that is never going to happen ! The people must remain armed should democrats ever get back power because democrats want to rule the people and as long as Americans are armed, they cannot successfully do that so they all need to take their buy backs , gun confiscation bull crap and shove it Americans will not comply . When democrats one day decide to dictate gun confiscation, that will be be considered a declaration of a War & that first shot will be heard loud and clear.
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