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A must! Personal income is private. Forced reporting of it to the government is tyranny and a violation of God given privacy rights. (There wasn't fed income taxes 1776 -1913.)
A brand new 2024 study published found that just one squirt of a natural liquid supplement twice a day increased total testosterone by 23.7% in just 8 weeks in men over 45 with low to medium testosterone levels. Even more amazing, participants saw improved libido, energy, strength, work performance and overall quality of life by 32.6%. Find out more and how you can move from below average to above average in strength, vitality, and sexual health—naturally! Special offer just for Gab audience...
We, a growing number of Catholic Americans, are no longer listening to the pope or bishops on the issue of immigration. They have so grossly led us down a path of complete national crisis that they can no longer be trusted on immigration. We, the laity, will now take care of this issue completely on our own, until the crisis is resolved. We are no longer asking for their pastoral direction, and we don’t want it. The pope and bishops have proved to be completely incompetent. They have led us into a disaster.