Like Father, Like Son.

Klaus Schwab’s father was a Nazi, and Klaus seems to follow in his footsteps. Until recently, friends called me a conspiracy theorist because I claimed that this plandemic is the stirrup holder for a “Great Reset”. The latter is nothing but the total enslavement of the global population. And by saying “enslavement”, I mean:
(1) Total control over their (online) behaviour.
(2) Total control over their (digital) money.
(3) Cancel culture movement.
(4) Establishing a Ministry of Truth (WHO, UN, and other globalist organisations, Social Media, and Fact Checkers)
(5) Mass surveillance and a social credit system (incl. CO2 Credits)
This development is scary, and nobody will be able to claim “Wir haben es nicht gewusst” - "we did not know". Because Klaus Schwab speaks about his objectives as openly as Hitler did in his book “Mein Kampf”.

@KiwiBlokeDaza @Manonika @love17andyahweh @Jules61
Resist! -- Simon Goddek
video klaus1.mp4 (attached)
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