Lesson Three:
A quick summary of what I have suggesting so far.
The purpose of Creation is for the Creator to understand or experience Its own Nature. That Nature is Consciousness (CS). If someone prefers the word Spirit to CS for now that is fine.
Creation is constructed of the Creator’s nature CS; to meet the purpose of Creation and because at this point there is nothing else. Creation provides ‘other’ that can be observed.
Being ‘made in the image of God’ means we are made of the Creator’s nature. The true nature of all of Creation is also CS, as is our TRUE nature (as well as all other beings in Creation). There are many implications to this including explaining how ALL phenomena work . Everything is always connected within the vastness of the Creator’s nature. Nothing can be separate. The appearance of separateness is an illusion, necessary to meet the Creator’s purpose. A construct for making CHOICES within the illusion is provided.
This is what is called the “ALL is ONE” view of Creation.
The biggest reason, as logical as it is, religions have an issue with this, is simple. The implication is that Satan, Lucifer, Demons and evil generally also then have to have come from the Creator.
Historically until the last few thousand years mankind was perfectly happy to accept man did all this bad stuff themselves and the ‘g’ods showed righteous anger and were always punishing mankind.
And yet today, I have never talked to anyone that could explain how indeed all this bad stuff happened in their worldview. Their answer is basically; NO I cannot accept that end of discussion. All these bad things had to come from somewhere, right? Which is more likely?
The Creator kind of screwed up and allowed all the bad stuff to happen early on. And then decided NOT to do anything about. Till some end-times point and then screws up again and somehow evil gets loose again after a thousand years and the Creator finally solves it once and for all at that point. Now everything can be lollipops and rainbows.
All of these negative issues have a purpose within the system of Creation.
A metaphor to consider. Salt, sodium chloride, is necessary for life. Yet when separated into Sodium and Chloride both are deadly to life. So as a whole is reduce to components serious changes can happen.
At the end of Lesson two I suggested Freewill has ZERO value without choices. All these negative dimensions of Creation provide choices giving Freewill value.
Which leads us to next important question. What is the purpose of a life? What if all life is about growing in CS/spirit? That Growth is a direct function of the choices we make within a life.
In Lesson four, I want to discuss this and how it works in some detail. As well as how the whole good and evil thing works.
A quick summary of what I have suggesting so far.
The purpose of Creation is for the Creator to understand or experience Its own Nature. That Nature is Consciousness (CS). If someone prefers the word Spirit to CS for now that is fine.
Creation is constructed of the Creator’s nature CS; to meet the purpose of Creation and because at this point there is nothing else. Creation provides ‘other’ that can be observed.
Being ‘made in the image of God’ means we are made of the Creator’s nature. The true nature of all of Creation is also CS, as is our TRUE nature (as well as all other beings in Creation). There are many implications to this including explaining how ALL phenomena work . Everything is always connected within the vastness of the Creator’s nature. Nothing can be separate. The appearance of separateness is an illusion, necessary to meet the Creator’s purpose. A construct for making CHOICES within the illusion is provided.
This is what is called the “ALL is ONE” view of Creation.
The biggest reason, as logical as it is, religions have an issue with this, is simple. The implication is that Satan, Lucifer, Demons and evil generally also then have to have come from the Creator.
Historically until the last few thousand years mankind was perfectly happy to accept man did all this bad stuff themselves and the ‘g’ods showed righteous anger and were always punishing mankind.
And yet today, I have never talked to anyone that could explain how indeed all this bad stuff happened in their worldview. Their answer is basically; NO I cannot accept that end of discussion. All these bad things had to come from somewhere, right? Which is more likely?
The Creator kind of screwed up and allowed all the bad stuff to happen early on. And then decided NOT to do anything about. Till some end-times point and then screws up again and somehow evil gets loose again after a thousand years and the Creator finally solves it once and for all at that point. Now everything can be lollipops and rainbows.
All of these negative issues have a purpose within the system of Creation.
A metaphor to consider. Salt, sodium chloride, is necessary for life. Yet when separated into Sodium and Chloride both are deadly to life. So as a whole is reduce to components serious changes can happen.
At the end of Lesson two I suggested Freewill has ZERO value without choices. All these negative dimensions of Creation provide choices giving Freewill value.
Which leads us to next important question. What is the purpose of a life? What if all life is about growing in CS/spirit? That Growth is a direct function of the choices we make within a life.
In Lesson four, I want to discuss this and how it works in some detail. As well as how the whole good and evil thing works.
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