Expect complete tyranny and panic as that date gets closer, and watch what other countries do that are not compromised by Big Pharma like ours. They need to poison as many people by that date as possible or their plan doesn’t work.
In a profoundly well written piece of investigative journalism by @AmericanAFMindy titled:
"The Truth Behind the Insane Vaccine Push is Hidden in Pfizer’s Leaked Government Contracts"
Mindy uncovers some shocking information that reveals the depths of the criminal conspiracy that had been buried within the Pfizer contracts which governments around the world have been signing. Looking at the details, it quickly becomes clear that any government entering into such a contract is committing an act of TREASON.
The contacts include provisions "To 'guarantee' that they won’t be sued by their citizens, Pfizer also demanded countries put up their sovereign assets as insurance, such as airports, embassy buildings and even their own military bases." This even extends to liability protection for intentional acts of MALICE.
It's not a conspiracy theory to see how the ramifications of such an agreement extend far beyond anything that could even remotely be considered "healthcare".
Mindy uncovered that "the only way any of these countries can get out of this predatory contract at all…. is if Pfizer fails to get full FDA approval by Sept 30, 2021", which explains the smoke and mirrors 'shit-show' we see going on with whether the genocide-jab is actually approved or not.
It appears that Pfizer and their subservient FDA are caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, if they were trying to pull off a shell game and approving a product that is not yet on the market, then knowledge of this fact is proof that Pfizer failed to get FDA approval for the product that is actually being injected into people's arms. Meaning, Pfizer would be in breach and the contracts would no longer be enforceable after Sept 30th.
On the other hand, if Pfizer did get approval for the suicide-shot then they have to release what's actually in it, including the presence of SM-102 and Graphene Oxide, which are both known poisons and not something that can legally be injected into a person any more than would be a known poison such as Cyanide.
Either way, Pfizer is on the hook. If they are in breach of contract, then they lose the liability protection they weaseled into their contracts and will be sued into oblivion. While if they did get full FDA approval, they will be forced to reveal that they've knowingly committed and act of Genocide and are in violation of numerous international bioweapons agreements.
So no matter which way the coin flips on this one, it appears that both Pfizer and the FDA are royally FOOKED!
Seems like it would be a great time to break out the popcorn, because we won't have to wait until September 30th to find out. Pfizer is now legally obligated to come into full CGMP compliance within 14 days of their alleged FDA approval. At which time it will either be revealed that Pfizer is committing genocide, or that Pfizer is in breach

No matter what side of the fence you’re on as an American these days, I think we can all agree on one thing…..something isn’t right with this “vaccine” or how our government has been handling…