It's time for God's Children to Mass Exodus Deep State's Den of Thieves...
I will find a list of all large corporations who are in bed with foreign governments and it will be up to everyone on GAB to repost and share everywhere.
We can
#BoycottBigBusinesses #BoycottLiberalNews
#BlockAllAdsOnTwitter #BlockAllAdsOnFacebook
If their idea is to bankrupt the middle-class, why are we buying and using their products and services?
Can we "boycott them" & "buycott companies like MyPillow"?
What if everyone stopped paying on credit cards? Could VISA, DISCOVER, AMEX, MC, etc afford a mass exodus on credit card debt?
What if everyone stopped auto deposits and cashed checks and left minimum in bank accounts?
What if we stopped online banking & online binge shopping at big liberal sites?
What if we stopped using Amazon, Comcast, DISH, Direct TV, Google, Cable, Satellite, FIOS, etc?
What if we dropped Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Google Play, etc. and went back to DVDs, VHS & over-the-air-digital TV?
Why can't we go #Back2Basics and put more money back in our pocket and take back our lives?
What if we boycott SuperBowl?
I will find a list of all large corporations who are in bed with foreign governments and it will be up to everyone on GAB to repost and share everywhere.
We can
#BoycottBigBusinesses #BoycottLiberalNews
#BlockAllAdsOnTwitter #BlockAllAdsOnFacebook
If their idea is to bankrupt the middle-class, why are we buying and using their products and services?
Can we "boycott them" & "buycott companies like MyPillow"?
Why can't we go #Back2Basics and put more money back in our pocket and take back our lives?
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