It's time for God's Children to Mass Exodus Deep State's Den of Thieves...

I will find a list of all large corporations who are in bed with foreign governments and it will be up to everyone on GAB to repost and share everywhere.

We can

#BoycottBigBusinesses #BoycottLiberalNews
#BlockAllAdsOnTwitter #BlockAllAdsOnFacebook

If their idea is to bankrupt the middle-class, why are we buying and using their products and services?

Can we "boycott them" & "buycott companies like MyPillow"?

▪What if everyone stopped paying on credit cards? Could VISA, DISCOVER, AMEX, MC, etc afford a mass exodus on credit card debt?

▪What if everyone stopped auto deposits and cashed checks and left minimum in bank accounts?

▪ What if we stopped online banking & online binge shopping at big liberal sites?

▪ What if we stopped using Amazon, Comcast, DISH, Direct TV, Google, Cable, Satellite, FIOS, etc?

▪ What if we dropped Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Google Play, etc. and went back to DVDs, VHS & over-the-air-digital TV?

Why can't we go #Back2Basics and put more money back in our pocket and take back our lives?

▪What if we boycott SuperBowl?
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