Hear Ye Hear Ye .. Oh You children of the earth
No one can make You Hate... either by words or by actions
No one can make You Love... either by words or of actions
Love, Hate, two sides of the same coin (Your Energy + or -) (Your Decision + or -)
We Choose to Hate... No matter whats said or done
We Choose to Love... No matter whats said or done
We Choose to Forgive... No matter whats said or done
We Choose to Persecute... No matter whats said or done
It is Your God Given Right to Decide (Good or Evil)
It Is Your God Given Right... Not given by any man or kingdom
It is Guaranteed (but not given) by our Constitution
Let No Man nor kingdom take this away by calling it "Hate Speech"
for Hate can only be made inside your Soul not by words, man, or kingdom
Oh "To Decide"
It is what makes US(A) Human
It is what makes US(A) More than just another Nation
It is what makes US(A) children of the All Mighty God
our ability to Decide gives US(A) dominion over the earth
To give that mental decision/power up, and allow Evil to prevail in US(A)
it is selfish, prideful.. it is a deception, and a Trap that leads you
Defenseless and Weak. Right where an enemy would want you to be
Hear Ye Hear Ye oh People of the Earth
You Have A Choice (to make)
Choose Wisely
No one can make You Hate... either by words or by actions
No one can make You Love... either by words or of actions
Love, Hate, two sides of the same coin (Your Energy + or -) (Your Decision + or -)
We Choose to Hate... No matter whats said or done
We Choose to Love... No matter whats said or done
We Choose to Forgive... No matter whats said or done
We Choose to Persecute... No matter whats said or done
It is Your God Given Right to Decide (Good or Evil)
It Is Your God Given Right... Not given by any man or kingdom
It is Guaranteed (but not given) by our Constitution
Let No Man nor kingdom take this away by calling it "Hate Speech"
for Hate can only be made inside your Soul not by words, man, or kingdom
Oh "To Decide"
It is what makes US(A) Human
It is what makes US(A) More than just another Nation
It is what makes US(A) children of the All Mighty God
our ability to Decide gives US(A) dominion over the earth
To give that mental decision/power up, and allow Evil to prevail in US(A)
it is selfish, prideful.. it is a deception, and a Trap that leads you
Defenseless and Weak. Right where an enemy would want you to be
Hear Ye Hear Ye oh People of the Earth
You Have A Choice (to make)
Choose Wisely
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