My Wife Tested Negative Yet Taken to Secret Quarantine Facility
"She arrived in Calgary tonight and when she got there she was greeted by a Police Officer and an AHS official. They rejected her results and told her she needed to go immediately to an isolation facility.
She was told if she resisted she would be arrested. She called me, and I immediately asked to talk with the officer.
I talked with both a Police Officer and the AHS official, they reiterated what she had said to me.
I asked for the address of where she would be, they said they could NOT give me the location address as it was confidential.
I asked for their names, again they would not give me any information or their names. I pushed, I questioned, I tried to fight but they said they would arrest her if she resisted.
They would NOT give me any information on where they were taking my wife. She was not allowed to get her vehicle from the airport; she was immediately put in a white van surrounded by police escorts and taken to an unknown facility that is under full surveillance and has security at every entrance and exit"
My Wife Tested Negative Yet Taken to Secret Quarantine Facility
"She arrived in Calgary tonight and when she got there she was greeted by a Police Officer and an AHS official. They rejected her results and told her she needed to go immediately to an isolation facility.
She was told if she resisted she would be arrested. She called me, and I immediately asked to talk with the officer.
I talked with both a Police Officer and the AHS official, they reiterated what she had said to me.
I asked for the address of where she would be, they said they could NOT give me the location address as it was confidential.
I asked for their names, again they would not give me any information or their names. I pushed, I questioned, I tried to fight but they said they would arrest her if she resisted.
They would NOT give me any information on where they were taking my wife. She was not allowed to get her vehicle from the airport; she was immediately put in a white van surrounded by police escorts and taken to an unknown facility that is under full surveillance and has security at every entrance and exit"

My Wife Tested Negative Yet Taken to Secret Quarantine Facility
Authorities rejected my wife's negative test result when she arrived at Calgary airport Thursday night. Apparently, Chris Mathis is Pastor at Summit Church in Edmonton. Hs wife may have been targeted. Facebook…
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