#WarRoomPandemic on 31 Dec:
- I’m shocked by the corrupted scientific world, which is obedient to CCP in #COVID19
- I’m also shocked by US patriots who were waken up so quickly to fight against CCP
- If still trust CCP and let them win, such BIOWARFARE will be launched again by CCP, to rule you!
- I’m shocked by the corrupted scientific world, which is obedient to CCP in #COVID19
- I’m also shocked by US patriots who were waken up so quickly to fight against CCP
- If still trust CCP and let them win, such BIOWARFARE will be launched again by CCP, to rule you!

闫丽梦博士当选战斗室“Woman of the Year"! 闫博士再次向西方世界发出警告,不能对中共抱有任何幻想,解决病毒的唯一方法就是灭共(12/31)
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