Read this very important article at CEC by Arran Ryan:

Points to pass around:

*Anglo-Saxons are heading for extinction in Australia and England through immigration while grooming Muslim gangs continue to rape Anglo girls in England

*Australia is being colonized by China, and as time passes the country will be increasingly dominated by the Chinese race and CCP.

*Anglo Saxons have complete racial amnesia. It has been a conquest from above, and probably no ethnic elite in history has been as passive and pathetic welcoming its genocide.

*As Anglo conservative Niall Ferguson said in an interview with Konstantin Kisin: “There will be mass migration. There will be miscegenation. There will be more brown people...keeping Africans out of the rest of the world is a doomed enterprise."

*The homeland of Anglo-Saxons, Britain is no more. One in three babies born in Britain in 2023 had a foreign-born mother; the percentage rising to 76 percent in some regions. Thus, in England and Wales “Muhammed” tops the list of names for baby boys in 2023, and has done so since 2016.

*Pakistanis are taking over police departments leaking information to rapists, who they know so that the rapists could intimidate child victims, with some Pakistani police being rapists themselves.

*There were 7,365 sexual grooming offices recorded in England and Wales in 2023/2024, more than any other year’s records, and up 10.1 percent from the previous financial year. Of the 6,785 cases closed, 32 percent could not identify a suspect

*The racially-based attacks upon white female children resembled the worst of wars, which of course it is, a race war. Thus, one 13-year-old girl was gang raped, murdered and sold to presumably the unsuspecting multicultural consumers as kebab meat.

*A white father claimed that his 13-year-old daughter had been gang raped by Pakistanis, he called the police and they told him to shut up about it or they would arrest him for being racist!

*Judge Peter Rook said in his 2013 sentencing of Mohammed Karrar in Oxford, that the Muslim prepared his victim “for gang anal rape by using a pump. … You subjected her to gang rape by five or six men. At one point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet.”

*But it gets worse, as at present the Starmer government is coming up with a legal definition of “Islamophobia” to criminalize criticism of Muslim migration and rape grooming gangs, putting Islam beyond criticism.
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