Western Australian government have banned unvaccinated parents from visiting their sick children in hospital… The main stream media are laughing on air about it and saying that they hope it’s the last straw to change these parents “philosophy”. The world needs to see this…
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Absolutely disgusting. Heartfelt thoughts go out to the parents. Start putting up names, title, biography, and photographs so worldwide can see who these despicable tyrants are. Time to name and shame Australia! When the time comes they will be remembered!
@Evelyn_Rae No parent and citizen deserve this. No child deserves this. Any persons enabling this in any form are the spawn of satan. No other rationale exists.
@Evelyn_Rae No guns equals no freedom
@Evelyn_Rae I don't know about Australia, but in America the last place you want to be with Covid is a hospital.
@Evelyn_Rae There is a special place in Hell for these Tyrants!
@Evelyn_Rae It is sick and evil. This government will have a disgusting legacy when it falls. And it will fall.
@Evelyn_Rae Should be the last straw alright…
@Evelyn_Rae Get a large group together and force your way in! That should be the absolute last straw!
@Evelyn_Rae Do not go to the hospital. They've been turned into distributed concentration camps.
@Evelyn_Rae Australia is a hellhole of communism and yes, they vote these radical left tyrants into office!!!!! This is what you get!!! Our election was stolen in the US and we are well down the road to communism as well!!!! Conservative Politicians helped with the steal-they are no better than the DemonicRat China Communist Party and that is why Biden and his mafia gang are still squatting in the WH-nobody does anything about election theft!!!!! This regimen is lawless, tyrannical, notorious liars, controlling, vengeful and violent and until we get them out, the pain and misery will continue!!!! The same election theft could have occurred in Australia as well!!!
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