good news:
The Full Forensic Audit in Arizona will be filmed and broadcast live
we'll be able to watch it
and the Audit Team will use Jovan Pulitzer kinematic Technology
please REPOST!
3 more States are watching what Arizona is doing - and may follow their lead
The Full Forensic Audit will begin on April 22
Thank you, Arizona!
Thank you Mark Finchem & Sonny Borrelli
Trump won Arizona.......59.4% to 39.8%
(according to my calculations)
we'll see if it is confirmed by the Audit
good news:
The Full Forensic Audit in Arizona will be filmed and broadcast live
we'll be able to watch it
and the Audit Team will use Jovan Pulitzer kinematic Technology
please REPOST!
3 more States are watching what Arizona is doing - and may follow their lead
The Full Forensic Audit will begin on April 22
Thank you, Arizona!
Thank you Mark Finchem & Sonny Borrelli
Trump won Arizona.......59.4% to 39.8%
(according to my calculations)
we'll see if it is confirmed by the Audit
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