Did you people see Tucker Carlson tonight? My God. Tucker reported that well-respected science writer Nicolas Wade assembled facts showing Dr. Anthony Fauci was actually behind financing with US taxpayer dollars the research at Wuhan for Corona virus "gain of function" enhancement so the virus can more easily infect humans. Can you believe that crap? Combine this with an almost certain lab accident because of known lax Bio Level 2 operations at Wuhan, and you have a COVID-19 virus that practically destroyed America's economy and killed people all over the planet. Supposedly, Fauci and America's NIH director, Francis Collins, allowed all this by signing off on a special loophole to a US law for "national security" purposes (what pray tell?). Just thinking about America using taxpayer dollars to finance a Chinese lab alone will surely piss you the hell off.
If all this is true, the MOFO SOB needs to hang by the neck... until dead!
If all this is true, the MOFO SOB needs to hang by the neck... until dead!
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