Call me a racist, anti-Semite all you want. But the facts are now staring us right in the face. Jews have been jacking the homies for decades, right along with brainwashing us White people with liberal and diversity crap. The shit is all coming home to roost these days, whether you agree with me or not. Forget all that stupid, crazy crap about Illuminati and Freemasons -- just watch TV and you'll see socially devisive, supposedly oh-so-intellectual Jews all over the place -- yakking up a storm, pushing lefty, subversive viewpoints and accusing Whites of being so racist all the time. Look at all the Jews in powerful positions in government and corporate media ownership. Sure, there's lefty Whites, too, but they all know exactly what not to talk about -- such as anything bad about sacred Israel (our bestest little buds in the Mideast), or how criminal and murderous blacks truly are.
It really doesn't take much these days to connect the dots.
It really doesn't take much these days to connect the dots.
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