Tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of Michael Brown getting justifiably shot dead while charging a lone White policeman in Ferguson, Missouri. Only moments before, him and his homie (a crazy nigger named Dorian Johnson) tried to reach into the squad car and grab the officer's firearm. When the gun went off, the two tried to flee. But Brown soon turned back around and angrily charged the officer. Question: If you had a 6'4", 300lb Jig running at you full tilt gonzo, wouldn't you have fired? Especially after the two Jigs just tried to steal your gun? Of course you would shoot him. One of the rounds went in thru the top of Brown's head, proving he was running at him head down. The White cop was simply responding to a report of someone roughing up a convenience store clerk to steal a large box of Swisher Sweets (a cheap smelly cigarillo Niggers love). Notice how the traitorous, backstabbing lefty media said little about the role of Dorian Johnson, nor showed him talking on air (the guy was totally wacked). They purposefully let the American public think Brown was just another poor innocent black kid, wrongly killed by a racist White cop. The US media has always been totally flocked up when it comes to jacking the homies. They do it all the time.
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