@realdonaldtrump, your entire platform in 2024 has been dogsh**, dude.
It's like watching a hollowed out husk of your 2016 self. I keep watching, hoping I'll see that fire reignite, but so far, there's nothing more than fizzling embers which seem to only be dying out.
It's sad to watch, and now your official policy you announced yesterday on that podcast is to essentially endorse "the Great Replacement," with your "infinity green card" program.
I'm sorry, but this is my line. I simply can not vote for someone whose official policy is to replace me and mine. This is my line and you just crossed it with your endless cucking and half-measures and appeasement of radical leftists by adopting their insane policies and frame and rhetoric.
Look, and let's be clear. I know you've never actually cared about me or mine. But at least indifference is better than outright hostility/replacement rhetoric.
If you do an about-face on this, @realdonaldtrump, I can reconsider, but I don't think you realize how heinous this infinity green card position actually is right now. We DO NOT need more H1B visas. There's nothing Pajeet from Uttar Pradesh can do with a computer that 15 different underpaid White guys who have been forced to stock shelves post-College, because they can't find a job thanks to DIE and cheap foreign replacement labor pools can't do.
And those White guys - you know, the ones who actually live here - then get robbed of future opportunities. No savings, no experience, no ability to buy homes and set down roots or form relationships. All while DEI maligns them and the entire corporate media tells them they are the worst form of human ever to be born on the planet.
Let's be honest here. It's just that the "Adelson money" of the world wants to horde their wealth and hates Whites as much, if not more, than any other in the "Sun Valley" class does.
I'm so disgusted.
You want to know why there are no real memes helping you along in 2024? No high energy? No real excitement?
Because you don't deserve any of it, @realdonaldtrump.
Have fun with @parscale and whatever bogus AI buzzword crap he sells you this time around.