Military Intelligence, authority and jurisdiction.
If you want to really chew on something... dig on Naval Masters At Arms and Provost Marshal General’s powers and authority, and chain of command. The ORIGINAL US SPY agency! Reports directly to Chief of Staff. I suspect 3 individuals Trump gave special designation to, of those already holding key intelligence roles, but classified- it’s nothing made public so who knows how many, if any appointed. Some research indicates could exceed tens of thousands all encompassing those under their ranking. Then dig on Maritime Law, enforcements... Admiralty Courts... jurisdiction including domestic... It’s about the seas! “Watch The Water” Always been about the seas, and Maritime law... no different than today, of having been given oversight and jurisdiction over cyber warfare (internet and space) which is key to today! All of Trump’s intelligence Maneuvers, EO’s and ‘Intelligence Guidance’ is based on maritime law, including cyber threat! Trade, commerce and transportation all has been ruled to be both foreign and domestic jurisdiction. Why Trump has issued several ‘intelligence transparency’ orders of changes and clarifications, as stipulated ‘by law’. Courts have settled, pretty much anything connected to “US Revenue” could be construed as falling under maritime law provisions, investigations and prosecution under military law. Navy Master’s At Arms has powers far exceeding today’s “NSA surveillance” dating back to Nation’s founding... long long before the Patriots’ Act! Read that AGAIN! That’s another significant fact related today! There’s so much more... but extent of info, US code- combined with classified secrecy, makes it hard for laymen’s understanding- let alone constitutional law experts! Fun fact, one known Masters At Arms today I suspect, is descent of historical figure who was among first Presidential designated Master At Arms ranking title.
Please follow me in my group that’s pinned on my profile. @g/q17 I’ll be posting my digs on this! I don’t know how to 8kun, but I believe this goes back to Q’s earliest posts in October, November -December 2017. I forget, I recall seeing them once or twice.
If you want to really chew on something... dig on Naval Masters At Arms and Provost Marshal General’s powers and authority, and chain of command. The ORIGINAL US SPY agency! Reports directly to Chief of Staff. I suspect 3 individuals Trump gave special designation to, of those already holding key intelligence roles, but classified- it’s nothing made public so who knows how many, if any appointed. Some research indicates could exceed tens of thousands all encompassing those under their ranking. Then dig on Maritime Law, enforcements... Admiralty Courts... jurisdiction including domestic... It’s about the seas! “Watch The Water” Always been about the seas, and Maritime law... no different than today, of having been given oversight and jurisdiction over cyber warfare (internet and space) which is key to today! All of Trump’s intelligence Maneuvers, EO’s and ‘Intelligence Guidance’ is based on maritime law, including cyber threat! Trade, commerce and transportation all has been ruled to be both foreign and domestic jurisdiction. Why Trump has issued several ‘intelligence transparency’ orders of changes and clarifications, as stipulated ‘by law’. Courts have settled, pretty much anything connected to “US Revenue” could be construed as falling under maritime law provisions, investigations and prosecution under military law. Navy Master’s At Arms has powers far exceeding today’s “NSA surveillance” dating back to Nation’s founding... long long before the Patriots’ Act! Read that AGAIN! That’s another significant fact related today! There’s so much more... but extent of info, US code- combined with classified secrecy, makes it hard for laymen’s understanding- let alone constitutional law experts! Fun fact, one known Masters At Arms today I suspect, is descent of historical figure who was among first Presidential designated Master At Arms ranking title.
Please follow me in my group that’s pinned on my profile. @g/q17 I’ll be posting my digs on this! I don’t know how to 8kun, but I believe this goes back to Q’s earliest posts in October, November -December 2017. I forget, I recall seeing them once or twice.
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