BUSTED: UPenn, Sponsor of Biden's Think Tank, Profits From Vaccines And Had Staff Shakeup Over Foreign Money Including 'CHINA' Money. I am on the Stew Peters Show TODAY @RealStewPeters and I am breaking it first on Gab. LET'S GO!!!!

UPenn, Sponsor of Biden's Think Tank, Profits From Vaccines And Had Staff Shakeup Over Foreign Money Including 'CHINA' Money
University of Pennsylvania financial documents obtained by NATIONAL FILE show that the UPenn fund that bankrolls Joe Biden’s think tank the Penn Biden Center makes money in “milestone payments” from the…
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@PatrickReports @RealStewPeters This is the same clown college that sells baby parts by way of Planned Parenthood. SHUT THEM DOWN!

@PatrickReports @RealStewPeters Buck Fiden...........

@PatrickReports @RealStewPeters Buyden and "think tank" don't go well together.