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@PepeLivesMatter17 Marjorie Taylor Greene, Wendy Rogers, Lauren Boebert, and now Fiona Lashells. Sorry if this offends some people, but the females in this country, young and old, are showing 1,000,000% more courage in the fight against tyranny than the men.

@PepeLivesMatter17 I love this story so much.. That little girl is on a path to greatness. Rock on Fiona.

@PepeLivesMatter17 She has more strength than most of our so called elected officials!!!!

@PepeLivesMatter17 Get that girl a cape. I think we will be seeing this force of nature in the future.

@PepeLivesMatter17 Ok when will she be ready to take over as speaker of the house.

@PepeLivesMatter17 I hope the parents of this brave little girl sues the hell out of the school board

@PepeLivesMatter17 My daughter would have done the same; and I would have supported her. The next generation is full of lions! That's the reason satan hates them so much.

@PepeLivesMatter17 “…And a child will lead them…”