Please repost. H.R. 127: A New Bill In Congress Would Literally End Your 2nd Amendment Rights Permanently!
Federal registration of all firearms.
A national gun registry.
Limitations on types of firearms.
Federally mandated insurance, expensive, and managed by the FedGov (some $800 per year).
Psychological evaluations by state-approved psychologists for approval to purchase firearms.
Those evaluations are extended to family members (including former spouses).
Prohibition of person-to-person transfers.
Prohibition of standard capacity magazines.
Federal registration of all firearms.
A national gun registry.
Limitations on types of firearms.
Federally mandated insurance, expensive, and managed by the FedGov (some $800 per year).
Psychological evaluations by state-approved psychologists for approval to purchase firearms.
Those evaluations are extended to family members (including former spouses).
Prohibition of person-to-person transfers.
Prohibition of standard capacity magazines.