2023 卐 (1)
(2023 January 1st)
This is 2022 as i've mentioned before:
Last year 2022:
The Genocide did very well in 2022 卐 , As i've mentioned before on 2022, Especially in 4. etc etc:
Welcome to our era of 2023 卐
The Shining light of Swastika and Rising Sun 卐
And for 2023,
Semitic/Communist people will be eliminated,
These "people" trying so hard to launch the first offensive including their so-called army, Media, Economy, And lies,
But, During this year 2023, Germany-Japanse, The Fascist and Imperial will fully return to wipe them out . (Actually in 2022 has already full military and fully rised: https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/107544849777001890
Just not much show on public, Only Germans and Japanese know, And until 2023 war, This world this dimension will know it)
Once the next war start, All my house and treasure on different places, Will donate and belong to Japanese Temples, Monks, Germany Aryan fascist and Japanese Imperial,
Father 不動明王 (Fudō Myōō) will lead me to next life when my glorious time has come 卐
(All the wealth i have since i've born in this life, All my house and treasure, Magical powers 卐, Is belong to all my Father Lord Buddhas 卐/ Father 不動明王 (Fudō Myōō) 卐 , That's my secret on this world, And, That's why 卐)
And also, I wanna to thanks to all my teachers in this life 卐
World War 3, Our Japan must first strike on the subhuman chinese/Russian(slavic)/Korean/Jews/Nigger, Otherwise these subhuman freemason alLIES communist scumbags will strike on us first .
Not only all Japan islands will be reoccupation by Japan, But our enemies lands will also being crushed and capture by Japan .
So in this 2023,
1. Semitic/Communist people will be eliminated,
And their plan and lies will be explode, The whole of this dimension will know it, But on the other hand, Mass of the population will also be wipeout by our greatest mantras and weapons, And they will be shocked by the last moment of this life .
As i've mentioned before in 2022,
"German will have huge Aryan army to conquer the world soon, Along with Japan to destroy your world,
You will see it, You will hear it, You will feel it, And you will taste it 卐":
Subhuman dragons/reptilians chinese will trying to bring their chinese virus to the whole world once again, But eventually, Along with their reptile jews/Russian(slavic)/Korean niggers, They will be mass genocide in 2023 卐
And this will also be one of the important part of the focus of whole world 卐
As i've mentioned before:
"When China fucked up, U.S (Jew Ass) and Russia fucked up,
When U.S (Jew Ass) and Russia fucked up, Israel Africa and middle east fucked up, See the whole relationship of them? "
But what if they're all fucked up at the same time in 2023?
2. If India wanna rise, Sudra/Dalit population must decrease 50% of their population, No discount, As the punish of most of them support subhuman russian(slavic) in 2022 .
After russia completely collapse, Huge population of slavic will be wipeout in 2023 卐
(Russia will be tear in pieces, As China and U.S(Jew Ass) Israel will be no more)
Ukraine is the only that allow the small amount of slavic live well and the leader must not be the reptile jews family or bloodline, Azov Legends will lead this nation 卐
Although the whole world will focus in Pacific Asia in this year 2023 卐
3. Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, George soros family, Korean freemason communist kim's family, Chinese freemason communist or mao's family, Karl marx family, Stalin family, Pseudo-scientist einstein family etc etc, These 13 families freemason alLIES communist dragons/reptilians family since 1940's, Will also be wipeout in 2023 卐
The manipulation of the reptilian jews in Europe, And their antifa college system, Will also be completely wipe out in 2023 卐
Especially the reptilian jews will also being mass Genocide around the world in 2023 卐
(So not only the reptilian communsit race chinese/Russian(slavic)/Vietnam/Myanmar/Laos/Korean/Niggers, So not only these subhuman scumbags)
About the freemason?:
(2023 January 1st)
This is 2022 as i've mentioned before:
Last year 2022:
The Genocide did very well in 2022 卐 , As i've mentioned before on 2022, Especially in 4. etc etc:
Welcome to our era of 2023 卐
The Shining light of Swastika and Rising Sun 卐
And for 2023,
Semitic/Communist people will be eliminated,
These "people" trying so hard to launch the first offensive including their so-called army, Media, Economy, And lies,
But, During this year 2023, Germany-Japanse, The Fascist and Imperial will fully return to wipe them out . (Actually in 2022 has already full military and fully rised: https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/107544849777001890
Just not much show on public, Only Germans and Japanese know, And until 2023 war, This world this dimension will know it)
Once the next war start, All my house and treasure on different places, Will donate and belong to Japanese Temples, Monks, Germany Aryan fascist and Japanese Imperial,
Father 不動明王 (Fudō Myōō) will lead me to next life when my glorious time has come 卐
(All the wealth i have since i've born in this life, All my house and treasure, Magical powers 卐, Is belong to all my Father Lord Buddhas 卐/ Father 不動明王 (Fudō Myōō) 卐 , That's my secret on this world, And, That's why 卐)
And also, I wanna to thanks to all my teachers in this life 卐
World War 3, Our Japan must first strike on the subhuman chinese/Russian(slavic)/Korean/Jews/Nigger, Otherwise these subhuman freemason alLIES communist scumbags will strike on us first .
Not only all Japan islands will be reoccupation by Japan, But our enemies lands will also being crushed and capture by Japan .
So in this 2023,
1. Semitic/Communist people will be eliminated,
And their plan and lies will be explode, The whole of this dimension will know it, But on the other hand, Mass of the population will also be wipeout by our greatest mantras and weapons, And they will be shocked by the last moment of this life .
As i've mentioned before in 2022,
"German will have huge Aryan army to conquer the world soon, Along with Japan to destroy your world,
You will see it, You will hear it, You will feel it, And you will taste it 卐":
Subhuman dragons/reptilians chinese will trying to bring their chinese virus to the whole world once again, But eventually, Along with their reptile jews/Russian(slavic)/Korean niggers, They will be mass genocide in 2023 卐
And this will also be one of the important part of the focus of whole world 卐
As i've mentioned before:
"When China fucked up, U.S (Jew Ass) and Russia fucked up,
When U.S (Jew Ass) and Russia fucked up, Israel Africa and middle east fucked up, See the whole relationship of them? "
But what if they're all fucked up at the same time in 2023?
2. If India wanna rise, Sudra/Dalit population must decrease 50% of their population, No discount, As the punish of most of them support subhuman russian(slavic) in 2022 .
After russia completely collapse, Huge population of slavic will be wipeout in 2023 卐
(Russia will be tear in pieces, As China and U.S(Jew Ass) Israel will be no more)
Ukraine is the only that allow the small amount of slavic live well and the leader must not be the reptile jews family or bloodline, Azov Legends will lead this nation 卐
Although the whole world will focus in Pacific Asia in this year 2023 卐
3. Rothschild family, Rockefeller family, George soros family, Korean freemason communist kim's family, Chinese freemason communist or mao's family, Karl marx family, Stalin family, Pseudo-scientist einstein family etc etc, These 13 families freemason alLIES communist dragons/reptilians family since 1940's, Will also be wipeout in 2023 卐
The manipulation of the reptilian jews in Europe, And their antifa college system, Will also be completely wipe out in 2023 卐
Especially the reptilian jews will also being mass Genocide around the world in 2023 卐
(So not only the reptilian communsit race chinese/Russian(slavic)/Vietnam/Myanmar/Laos/Korean/Niggers, So not only these subhuman scumbags)
About the freemason?:
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