(March 29--April 3rd, 2023)
Clean up through the river to the hidden islands and the ocean
Me, Akio and Skinhead put some resources and ritual tools etc etc on 3 hidden islands, Different dimensions 卐
For Axis (Including our new coalition, Atlantis 卐), That have well prepare to clean up our enemies on pacific, Ocean and multiple dimensions war 卐
Before departure, We stay in some captain's temporary residence on one night, And they've also cooking the Vegetarian meal to we 3 .
After the next day morning, We've used around 20--30 boats to put some resources and ritual tools etc etc, Before change into ships, On the river side hidden place, Then islands, Then Ocean 卐
Skinhead are ahead of me and Akio, He was the first boat along with captains and some crews on one boat, Skinhead lead the rest of the boats and captains along with crews 卐
Me and Akio, Along with captain on one boat, As you can see in this video, Akio on the front 卐 (Also, The first picture was again, Akio's bag)
Also to perpare for multiple dimensions war 卐
Dear king of Atlantis
卐, Your highness, We are ready for the second round 
(On one of the coast, I slip and fall into the river before landing, Of course i know how to swim .
What a shame for myself,
I thought it was just Akio and our boat captain saw me fall into the river (Like the comedian)
I've trying to pretend nothing happen and walk slowly to the coast, But then i saw on the slope, I realized like 30-40 people watching at me and laughing, Including skinhead .
Skinhead ask are you ok? Your phone still well?
Me: Thanks, I'm fine, My phone was waterpoof .
Akio: Why don't you do our Sieg Heil salute after you fall into the river right before landing? (Then Akio laughing at me also)
One of the child (One of the captian's kid) run infront me and asking me: Are the water pertty cool?
Me: Not that cool ......
Then i ask Akio, Are you filming me during i fall into the river?
Akio: Of course no, I won't humiliation our own Germany Japan/Axis person .
After we've done our setting, Then, I upload this video)
(March 29--April 3rd, 2023)
Clean up through the river to the hidden islands and the ocean
Me, Akio and Skinhead put some resources and ritual tools etc etc on 3 hidden islands, Different dimensions 卐
For Axis (Including our new coalition, Atlantis 卐), That have well prepare to clean up our enemies on pacific, Ocean and multiple dimensions war 卐
Before departure, We stay in some captain's temporary residence on one night, And they've also cooking the Vegetarian meal to we 3 .
After the next day morning, We've used around 20--30 boats to put some resources and ritual tools etc etc, Before change into ships, On the river side hidden place, Then islands, Then Ocean 卐
Skinhead are ahead of me and Akio, He was the first boat along with captains and some crews on one boat, Skinhead lead the rest of the boats and captains along with crews 卐
Me and Akio, Along with captain on one boat, As you can see in this video, Akio on the front 卐 (Also, The first picture was again, Akio's bag)
Also to perpare for multiple dimensions war 卐
Dear king of Atlantis
(On one of the coast, I slip and fall into the river before landing, Of course i know how to swim .
What a shame for myself,
I thought it was just Akio and our boat captain saw me fall into the river (Like the comedian)
I've trying to pretend nothing happen and walk slowly to the coast, But then i saw on the slope, I realized like 30-40 people watching at me and laughing, Including skinhead .
Skinhead ask are you ok? Your phone still well?
Me: Thanks, I'm fine, My phone was waterpoof .
Akio: Why don't you do our Sieg Heil salute after you fall into the river right before landing? (Then Akio laughing at me also)
One of the child (One of the captian's kid) run infront me and asking me: Are the water pertty cool?
Me: Not that cool ......
Then i ask Akio, Are you filming me during i fall into the river?
Akio: Of course no, I won't humiliation our own Germany Japan/Axis person .
After we've done our setting, Then, I upload this video)
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