
(June--August, 2024)
Inspector in Twilight Of The Warriors: Walled In, Said it out the missing part, That Tornado (Louis Koo) who deny the threaten of freemason british jewish U.S(Jew Ass) and chinese communist russian communist foreigner alLIES conlony, And protect the Kowloon Walled City people(Hong Kong people) til the end .
Tornado (Louis Koo) truly was Akagi in WAY OF THE SAMURAI 4:

What is the soul of a Movie?
A soul of a Movie is exposed the truth and real education, That's a soul of a Movie, Fighting scene was secondary dishes, Else was just bullshit, And this movie and all their cast has already doing the best,
Education not in school, In Hong Kong, Education is in Movie, Twilight of the Warrior, Walled In, You can see all the student are watching it in Cinema, Even was violence .

Louis Koo 古天樂,
古 Koo mean The Ancient One, 天 Heavenly, 樂 Happiness .
So 古天樂 mean Ancient Heavenly Happiness .
If Edmond Poon was Ghost King, Then Louis Koo was 地蔵菩薩 (Jizō Bosatsu) .
(That's why you see Edmond Poon Propaganda him all the time

Hong Kong is watch by 地蔵菩薩 (Jizō Bosatsu), Japan is watch by 不動明王 (Fudo Myoo), Both was my Father Lord Buddhas themself 卐

Hong Kong people 90% of them was with good heart .
I'm gonna help them, With Cinema Movie
Plus Twilight of the warriors, Walled In, Is a anti china/british or anti-communist anti-semitic movie .
And because of the movie time so long, They are already cut off 1 hour 30 minit that the part not put on the scenes .
It's a totally 3 hours has been cut out from the scenes and not put in this movie, And those scenes was super sensitive to against the semitic and communist, And because the director want people focus on Hong Kong people help each other, That's why, And also if put it all, The movie will be like 5--6 hours long .

Even one of the actor already said it, There is a part that Louis Koo refuse the offer of british and china for sale Kowloon Walled City out,
British tell him if he refuse the colony, The freemason British/Jewish/French(and U.S(Jew Ass)) army and china russia red army will enter the Kowloon Walled City,
Louis Koo refuse and leave the conversation straight up, And this part has been cut out by director, It should show on screen .

The director has discussing with Louis Koo to just be himself in real life, Say the word in your heart in the movie, So we know he's not acting, What he said about Hong Kong, Is purely what his thinking and doing in real life .

Kowloon Walled City People mean Hong Kong people, Outside of Kowloon mean Outside of Hong Kong,
The whole Hong Kong territory is actually watch by 地蔵菩薩 (Jizō Bosatsu), He's always in Hong Kong to turn into different appearance to help Hong Kong people, Even now .
(So i cannot intervene Hong Kong people, I cannot disrespect to 地蔵菩薩 (Jizō Bosatsu), They have their own life, Unless they need help, And we will full help like in this Hong Kong movie etc),
Hong Kong people are also actually ruled by these movie stars, Especially Louis Koo, Most of Hong Kong people are work under his company or related under his company, One Cool Film Production Limited(天下一),
Just look at Louis Koo face, This is the face of a King, In Hong Kong, Hong Kong people called him 天皇影帝 which mean Tenno Movie Emperor, We have Tenno Heika, And our brother Hong Kong people have Tenno Movie Emperor .
The King of Hong Kong, Most of the people called him Boss Koo in Hong Kong, Even he is keep low profile and even Hong Kong system don't have a King, But actually it have, Just the western people don't know,
Even he's help so much people and not tell anyone, But i know he is, And he's been love by the people of Hong Kong the most .
You can see when he ordering Hong Kong people to move, The whole Hong Kong people move immediately .
He was the first to jump out to help the people around him each time big thing happen .

His Hong Kong Movie, Is entertainment, Is education to Hong Kong people, And also, Showing the truth in front of scene .

(Also, His best friend Aaron Kwok in Twilight of the warriors, Walled In, Was another Tenno/King of Hong Kong, They were the brothers)

The King of Hong Kong is more love Japanese people than the so-called "Tokyo People" themself, They are not control by freemason or communist, But instead,
They rule the land of Hong Kong, Is more discipline than the semitic or communist army, For example,
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