from Judicial Watch
#LorettaLynch #0bama A.G.
#JohnBrennan #CIA #Brennan
#Clapper #DNI #JamesClappy
#JamesComey #obama FBI Dir #Comey
#AndrewMcCabe obama FBI depDir #McCabe
#PeterStrzok - Struk #Strzok #SES #CIA
#SusanRice #Bengazi liar etc
#AnthonyFauci Indictment Issued
#Clinesmith must be among them. WE KNOW his crimes
JUST the tip of the iceberg!
CIA gun running thru Bengazi why Chris Stevens was killed.
One CIA weapon killed #SealTeam6 #JoeBiden and #LeonPanetta involved.
General Flynn knew the truth about their disastrous corruption, that is why was targeted by the Obama mafia
Flynn was McChrystal's XO for Afghan surge
Gen Flynn wanted to re-designate the Muslim Brotherhood (parent org of ISIS, alQaeda, BokaHaram, & nearly every other terrorist group) as a Foreign Terrorist Org. Obama had close ties with MB & placed them ( Morsi / Mursi ) in control of Egypt. Morsi's terrorists attacked Bengazi
Tom Fitton
BIG ARMS SCANDAL: Smoking gun docs uncovered by JudicialWatch show Obama & Clinton were aware arms going to Syria through Benghazi and were warned about rise of ISIS, and they were supporting terrorists in Syria.
Obama Protected ISIS
#TomFitton #FISAgate #insurgency #subversion #conspiracy #coup
@BovineX @Spacecowboy777 @PatriotKAG @RentonMagaUK @ISA-BELLA @Darkness2Light @LightOnIt1 @IntoLight @Knight-of-the-Republic @AltruisticEnigma @0die @poorPoetaster @betsytn @StormChaser126 @harleygrl3465 @HempOilCures @Miles_to_go147 @cbdfan @phil_free @Kriptic @MichaelRoller @SpittinNickels @JohnCoctoston @Gruvedawg @StormIsUponUs @mysticphoeniix @BlueGood @Catturd @QueenNymph @Messanger65
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