URGENT: PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE THIS NOW. If you want another 4 years of President Trump, if you want to fight the fraud, punish the traitors and drain the swamp once and for all, its not enough to merely support him in principle. We all need to ACTIVELY help. So share this critical message with as many people as you can. BRACE FOR SOMETHING BIG IN THE DAYS AHEAD!
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#trump #maga #fightback #fightfortrump #stopthesteal #25thamendment #biden #bideninauguration #january20th #democrats #twitter #jackdorsey #facebook #censorship #trumpbanned #impeachment #pence #mitchmcconnell #pelosi #linnwood #generalflynn #sidneypowell #FightForTrumpToSaveAmerica #china #ccp #antifa #blacklivesmatters #radicalleft #socialism #wearetrump #insurrectionact #democratsarecorrupt #hammerandscorecard #hammerandsickle #DennisMontgomery
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@Tetsumonchi Anyone with an iPhone needs to turn off their auto update. Apple plans on turning off the presidential emergency alert which will alert us that Trump has put the Military into martial law. The Dems will probably cause some sort of black out so we cannot Communicate they also do not care if we starve or freeze so have plenty of food. The grocery stores will be wiped out.