THIS SAYS GOD to the nations of this endtime/last days, according to the revelations of GOD :
"Hear o nations of the last days, you are looking at the fulfillment of My holy Words, prophecies and revelations and the words that I spoke by My beloved Son Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesus the Christ and Our holy apostles and all holy messengers and holy witnesses of past, present and future days, that all spoke/speak by My Holy Ghost/ Holy Spirit... or received holy messages from My Throne by Holy Ghost or holy angels. I AM. Many of Our holy scriptures and messages are being fulfilled right now and in very near future before your eyes. For many know that We do not lie. Even the NWO-represents just tell you in plain sight what they will do, And still many believe often what they want to believe, without willing to face the facts of this anti-christ world-Beast-system and Her Whore Babylon, who sits on the Beast and led/leads the Beast... till both will go into destruction and into second death... with all who remained in their 666-systems. For all is linked and related to the antichrist/false prophet of Rome and the number of his name/title : 666 and his barcode-666-system... and the "saving injections" of the Whore Babylon, who deceives all with her : Pharma-keia... Who has ears to hear ? Who has eyes to see ? Who has a mind or heart or spirit to understand ? You are facing the fulfilment of Revelation 13 and of 17+18. Are you aware of the reality of these days... or are you living in an illusionary world where it all is only about you ? Are you really prepared for eternity and My holy Judgments and final judgment ? Or are you just only worried about your money, savings, material possessions, luxury/wealth and all the worldly comforts and desires/lusts of your sinful heart and flesh and of Satan/Lucifer and the fallen ones ? Well... you will reap what you have sown. He who sows only on the desires and lusts of this world... will reap judgments, sorrows, destruction and eternal rejection by Me at the final judgment. I AM. And those who believed Me... more than the Deceiver and Seducer and father of all lies/Satan/ Lucifer and the fallen ones... will be saved by grace through faith and love and obedience to Our holy Words and Ghost and leading and guidance by Our holy angels.... and they wil inherit the heavenly Glorious kingdom of GOD. I AM. For they will take action to obey Us and Our words and will leave the Whore and The Beast... as the 5 wise virgins, that had enough oil in their lamps... and heard the call in the midst of the night... and took their lamps and went out... to meet their Bridegroom... and to be taken to Him... to have the Heavenly Wedding-Feast in Glory... I AM." ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, the Great I AM.
Prophecy 02.08.2022.
By : The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
Received by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
"Hear o nations of the last days, you are looking at the fulfillment of My holy Words, prophecies and revelations and the words that I spoke by My beloved Son Yeshua HaMashiach/ Jesus the Christ and Our holy apostles and all holy messengers and holy witnesses of past, present and future days, that all spoke/speak by My Holy Ghost/ Holy Spirit... or received holy messages from My Throne by Holy Ghost or holy angels. I AM. Many of Our holy scriptures and messages are being fulfilled right now and in very near future before your eyes. For many know that We do not lie. Even the NWO-represents just tell you in plain sight what they will do, And still many believe often what they want to believe, without willing to face the facts of this anti-christ world-Beast-system and Her Whore Babylon, who sits on the Beast and led/leads the Beast... till both will go into destruction and into second death... with all who remained in their 666-systems. For all is linked and related to the antichrist/false prophet of Rome and the number of his name/title : 666 and his barcode-666-system... and the "saving injections" of the Whore Babylon, who deceives all with her : Pharma-keia... Who has ears to hear ? Who has eyes to see ? Who has a mind or heart or spirit to understand ? You are facing the fulfilment of Revelation 13 and of 17+18. Are you aware of the reality of these days... or are you living in an illusionary world where it all is only about you ? Are you really prepared for eternity and My holy Judgments and final judgment ? Or are you just only worried about your money, savings, material possessions, luxury/wealth and all the worldly comforts and desires/lusts of your sinful heart and flesh and of Satan/Lucifer and the fallen ones ? Well... you will reap what you have sown. He who sows only on the desires and lusts of this world... will reap judgments, sorrows, destruction and eternal rejection by Me at the final judgment. I AM. And those who believed Me... more than the Deceiver and Seducer and father of all lies/Satan/ Lucifer and the fallen ones... will be saved by grace through faith and love and obedience to Our holy Words and Ghost and leading and guidance by Our holy angels.... and they wil inherit the heavenly Glorious kingdom of GOD. I AM. For they will take action to obey Us and Our words and will leave the Whore and The Beast... as the 5 wise virgins, that had enough oil in their lamps... and heard the call in the midst of the night... and took their lamps and went out... to meet their Bridegroom... and to be taken to Him... to have the Heavenly Wedding-Feast in Glory... I AM." ; Says the LORD GOD Almighty, Adonai YHVH, the Great I AM.
Prophecy 02.08.2022.
By : The Voice in The Wind / The Candle.
Received by Jean Schoonbroodt. NL. EU.
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