Some still refuse to see, even when the TRUTH is staring them in the face.
These two are THE SAME MAN.
Morgan "Freeman" began his acting career just 6 months after Jimmy Hendrix "died".
EARS & TEETH IDENTICLE.... usually, they only change the nose slightly, sometimes a more major facelift, but generally just enough so some might say "hey he reminds me of so-n-so'... But just enough that most wont notice. That way, they can stay in the spotlight, and still reinvent themselves.
But WHY do they do it?
Some are "called up to service" for the Cabal or "The Family" due to certain talents the Cabal DeepState can use...
And others, like Princess Diana, use "The Craft" of illusion to reinvent themselves, to *ESCAPE* the DeepState.
Yes, Diana is alive (but, sadly, recently lost the man who DID LOVE HER)...& I will get to her. It's quite a story.
But for now, lets focus here, on *MORG*-an "FREE-MAN"...
These two are THE SAME MAN.
Morgan "Freeman" began his acting career just 6 months after Jimmy Hendrix "died".
EARS & TEETH IDENTICLE.... usually, they only change the nose slightly, sometimes a more major facelift, but generally just enough so some might say "hey he reminds me of so-n-so'... But just enough that most wont notice. That way, they can stay in the spotlight, and still reinvent themselves.
But WHY do they do it?
Some are "called up to service" for the Cabal or "The Family" due to certain talents the Cabal DeepState can use...
And others, like Princess Diana, use "The Craft" of illusion to reinvent themselves, to *ESCAPE* the DeepState.
Yes, Diana is alive (but, sadly, recently lost the man who DID LOVE HER)...& I will get to her. It's quite a story.
But for now, lets focus here, on *MORG*-an "FREE-MAN"...
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