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It was super nice of Trump to invite Elizabeth Warren to his rally today.
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Yes, justice is needed. The people demand it.
I don’t hate a lot of people but Bill is definitely one of them.
Some White men, father and son, were lost at sea yesterday in Maine. The Coast Guard and the community were searching for them yesterday and today. However, tonight, a big snow storm has blown in, which makes the situation more dire.
God help them.
God help them.
Sanity is making a comeback. Hopefully all that was rock bottom. And it will be so long as we, as a society, don't allow it any longer.
They don't catch real criminals anymore, they don't have any money for front line services, but they can afford to pay for 'training' from a group that was run by a paedophile.
All best wishes to President Donald Trump on being inaugurated as President again today.
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